
Myers Briggs Type Indicator

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Myers Briggs Type Indicator
What lies in the mind of others can be very unknown and possibly even too unpleasant to experience. Perhaps psychologically, the human minds are all completely different, or maybe they aren’t. According to some brilliant researchers, they believe different things about the breakdown of the personalities of humans. It all is determined on your perspective, which they’re endless “what ifs” on the subject but no complete real answer. According to Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs, ( Myers and Briggs) there are 16 different types of personalities. With multiple definitions for each of the outcomes it shows. Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, (MBTI) I will determine what type of personality the main characters are in the book The Lord of Flies. The main character in the story, his name is Ralph. He is the main protagonist in the story and the elected leader of the group he is with. He isn’t physically the strongest or the smartest but has good charisma. In my opinion he is a natural born leader, the boys voted him to be the leader and that means something when their lives on are the line. He has passion and courage, he wants to survive and create a rule of civilization so they can work together. I would have to put him as a ENFJ. Which symbolizes, Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling and Judging. A couple more …show more content…
Jack is the leader of the choir and hunters, so he has some leadership in him. He also leads his people against Ralph who is just trying to do some good. Jack loves to hunt for meat and feels rewarded with it when he has received it from his prey. Jack represents the evil and darkness in the story, he basically wants to be the dictator. Jack would be filed as a ENTJ type. Which is Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking and Judging. Describing Jack would be like driving organizer, planner, visions focused, assertive, systematic. Basically Jack wants to be the main guy in control of

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