Development Stage
This is the second stage of the three essays involved in the graded unit. This stage is the development stage. The essay will apply practice and perspectives to the fulfilment of the aims and objectives of the chosen activity and will relate back to the planning stage. It will show that the theories and perspectives had a direct bearing on the activity and, where possible, on the individual client’s response to the activity. It will show that the planning stage was carried out as stated, including the contingency plan identified. It will also show my ability to manage materials and resources in relation to the health and safety policies and procedures mentioned in the planning stage.
In the planning stage, the main aims for Louise were to provide an activity which would enable her to interact with others and also buy new clothes which would improve her self-esteem and confidence. These aims were set due to the fact that Louise had mentioned previously that she did not feel like she had nice clothes and also that she felt lonely and isolated because she had no one to talk to. We met the aim of helping Louise improve her self-esteem and confidence by taking her into the shops that she wanted to go into. As well as letting her look at the clothes she liked and possibly wanted to buy. We met the aim of communication by asking her what shops she would like to go into, if there was anything in particular that she was looking to buy and also talking to her throughout the activity about her family, what she used to wear when she was younger. Another objective that met the aim of communication was taking Louise for lunch and chatting whilst at lunch. Not only were the aims of the activity tailored to meet the specific needs of Louise but also Louise had a say in the activity which made the care centred to her and what she wanted (Royal College of Nursing, 2015). The approach that I took for the chosen activity was that in accordance
References: . Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Life Theory (1902-1979) cited. Cumbernauld Moodle. (2014). Therapeutic Relationships: Understanding Behaviour; Erikson and the Lifespan Theory. Available: Last accessed [27th April 2015]. Maslow. A (1943). A theory of human motivation. 4th ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. P20-35. [Last accessed: [27th April 2015]. Maslow, A. (1943). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Available: [Last accessed 12th March 2015.] Maslow, A. (2015). Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs. Available: [Last accessed 12th March 2015.] Nursing and Midwifery Council. (2015). Revised Code for Nursing.Available: Last accessed [28th April 2015]. Royal College of Nursing. (2015). Person-centred Care. Available: Last accessed [20th April 2015].