HCS 325
June 4, 2012
Motivational Methods
Motivation is a key aspect in the organization or workplace, and it is imperative to know the basic theory application and methods dealing with any problems that usually unavoidable for the employee and will come up in any work environment. This is a mandatory skills for a leader or future manager to know how important on how to motivate his or her employee to work more efficient. Motivating employees is a big dilemma for managers. To produce a higher level of performance and productivity, manager’s today are obliged to pay more attention on this matter. Every employee needs different types of motivation. In this paper will elaborate three motivational methods that a manager commonly applies to motivate his or her employees and how this change can affect the organization.
Implementing change within a workplace can be difficult. Thus, setting ways to motivate workers can be just as difficult. Some methods may work for some workers but sometimes using the same methods may not work for others. It is imperative for a manager to find ways or that method would best suit his employees to assist him or her in adapting to unnecessary changes. Every leader or supervisor must know what a particular motivational technique has to apply on each individual to maximize the best potential of both workers. “Motivation occurs individuals according to three different methods of behavior: individuals, satisfying a personal need, competitive, trying to be better than someone he or she believes to be an opponent, or cooperative, working to achieve a goal that benefits the team or group” (McConnell, 2005).
“Maslow identified five human needs that motivate people as physiological needs, security needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. According to Maslow’s theory unsatisfied needs are the prime motivators of behaviors, and needs to the lowest level are over the needs of the higher