In the health care industry change happens continuously. It is critical that employees within a health care organization are prepared for those changes. Health care managers are responsible for making sure that all members of the organization are equipped for any changes in the companies polices or procedures. There are many methods and …show more content…
techniques that managers can utilize to motivate employees and lead a positive response to change. If my department was downsizing, I would prepare my team by using such motivational methods as financial incentives, open communication, and intensive training. Financial incentives are a great motivational tool for health care managers to employ.
According to Gautam, Abraham Maslow outlined a hierarchy of human needs, a chart that attempts to identify the main needs a human has.
Maslow said that the individuals need to start at the lowest level and once that level has been attained, they will move to the next stage. The first of these levels concerns people’s needs to satisfy their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and rest
(Grautam, 2011). Cash is the key to obtaining ones basics needs. Financial incentives are important in the business of work for wages. Employees work to obtain a salary which allows them to purchase products and services to sustain. Financial incentives can encourage people to work harder and reach higher goals. Things such as bonuses, commissions, and raises increases employees efficiency and motivates them to perform more enthusiastically. When employees go above and beyond what is expected of them, they expect some kind of acknowledgement in return. Giving bonuses and rewards makes employees feel valued and appreciated, which makes them want to keep striving for more and become a great asset to the organization. As a health care manager, I understand how important financial incentives are, but I also would be aware
of their downfalls. Employees can often get too comfortable with financial incentives. I will make sure that employees understand that the incentive was for outstanding performance, and not just a free giveaway. Open communication is a very important motivational tool. When an organization changes employees can often start doubting the company and themselves. By implementing open communication within the organization it will allow employees to feel more involved with the organization current initiatives. Conducting meetings to discuss employee concerns and to receive their input can help spread accurate information, and clear up any information that may not be understood. Communicating in the workplace serve to create and maintain work relationships among team and organizational members. “Keeping communication open and positive during an organizational change keeps workers motivated, and can even spark up new ideas that were not considered when first implementing the change”(Lister, 2013). Communication is the most effective motivational tool in any organization, there is no downfall in open communication. As a health care manager it is important that I invest heavily in training my employees, especially when a significant change like downsizing occurs. When an organization downsizes a department that means that the employees who remain takes on more responsibility. It is critical that they get the right tools and training to take on the extra responsibility. If employees are properly trained they transition without confusion and can increase an organization productivity.
“Training can help employees understand how their work fits into their company 's structure, mission, goals and achievements. As a result, employees can become more motivated and excited about their work as they understand how what they do matters to the success of the organization” (Feigenbaum, 2013). Training helps employees reach their goals by giving them the skills and tools needed to do their job and to learn other aspects of the job to eventually move up to higher positions within the company . Change can be difficult for most people to deal with. It is important for employees to feel motivated and have a positive reaction when change is implemented in an organization. Unhappy employers and high turnover rates can be disastrous for an organization. By using and giving the necessary tools to fulfil ones needs, it can motivate people to achieve high goals. Change is inevitable in health care, and as a health care manager it is important to always keep all team members motivated and beneficial to the organization.
References Feigenbaum, Eric. (2013). How does Training Motivate Employees. Retrieved from
Guatam, Widha. (2011). Financial Incentives as Motivational Tools. Retrieved from Lister, Jonathan. (2013). Three Methods to Motivate Employees with Organizational Change. Retrieved from organizational-change-35669.html.