People were getting high up jobs in government solely based on the fact that they had connections. This led to the inexperienced people being bought out and swayed to certain sides that shouldn’t be in power. All of this corruption led to poorly managed cities, overtly lackadaisical regulation of business and the economy. The effects of these issues were so widespread that huge amounts of people began calling for reforms. Joseph L. Bristow a republican senator from Kansas proposed the final draft of an amendment to require all senators to be elected by popular vote. This amendment was eventual ratified by 36 states and became adopted as the 17th amendment in which it explicitly stated “The Senate of the United States shall be comprised of two senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years…” This amendment sparked the fire of reform not only in the nation’s political system but also that of our economic
People were getting high up jobs in government solely based on the fact that they had connections. This led to the inexperienced people being bought out and swayed to certain sides that shouldn’t be in power. All of this corruption led to poorly managed cities, overtly lackadaisical regulation of business and the economy. The effects of these issues were so widespread that huge amounts of people began calling for reforms. Joseph L. Bristow a republican senator from Kansas proposed the final draft of an amendment to require all senators to be elected by popular vote. This amendment was eventual ratified by 36 states and became adopted as the 17th amendment in which it explicitly stated “The Senate of the United States shall be comprised of two senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years…” This amendment sparked the fire of reform not only in the nation’s political system but also that of our economic