Reformation and the witch craze
Why during the scientific revolution when people were more rational that the witch hunts occur?
Factors occurring that encourage the witch-hunts. Most important was the reformation (1520-1650). Shattered what was left of medieval Christian unity. With this fracturing ended attempts to bring unity through purges and excommunication. Breakdown of broad communities and more of a narrow community. Us vs them, protestant vs Christianity. Enemies who are challengers to power. Goal of reformers: to return to an older time period, earlier form of Christianity; find a more pure form of Christianity. Luther said the church was just a money making scam. The reformers wanted to reform the sacraments. Streamlining things that are not in the bible. Eliminates the catholic mass, the way it’s run, reason behind it, ideas that form it. All are changed. Role of the …show more content…
clergy is changing. Your relationship to god has now changed. You have autonomy, you are relating to god on your own level. Don’t need priests. No angels, no saints, nobody is there to act on your behalf. No one can interfere between you and your path to god. Your access to god is through the bible. Faith alone can bring you salvation. No amount of good deeds will do anything, its irrelevant. God knows everything so no attempt to change his perception of you through good deeds.
1530s: more splits, Angolism becoming more independent.
More forms of Christianity are starting to show up. Catholics say they need to priests in order to help peasants, in case they can’t read bible and need help. Not going to eliminate need for salvation. Reformers are not allowed to accept anything not in the …show more content…
Catholic Counter-Reformation: the Catholic reformation after it is decided that the protestants are not coming back.
Council of Trent (1545-1563)
War starts breaking out across Europe. All about religion, for about 100 years. Wars begin around 1555, they end in 1648. 30 years war was last war, most brutal and devastating. Galileo was writing his thoughts about Religion during the most intense time of war. The church went after him for his writing because they were in the middle of an intense conflict for their religion. This is when we see the witch hunts at there most intense (1520-1650). Goes till the 18th century, the century of enlightenment. The very end of the witch craze, the end of the Thirty years war, whatever prince you live under you must follow their religion. The witch hunt seems to show the reformation has not really evolved. These witch hunts occur in both Catholic and Protestant. Places that were devoutly Catholic tended not to have witch hunts, same as Protestant. Germany was where the majority of witch hunts occurred the most. It reflects religious tension and the desire for religious purity. Also parts of Switzerland. Places that are content have fewer witch hunts.
New Religious Perspective
Some attitudes are focused more. That encourage the persistent. The reformation lays out the conditions that the witch-hunts need to be carried out. There are soci, economic conditions that lead to this. Encourages notion of persistence of witch hunts and religious practices.
Devil: the devil as we seen (the notion) changes over time.
Either acting a s a servant of the witch or the master of the witch. Goes from someone who is summons a witch to someone who is controlled by the witch. The reformation makes the power and the preciseness everywhere. What we start to see is a profound fear of the devil. If you’re a protestant, you as an individual are the one who is taking on the devil by yourself. The devil is attacking individuals who must resist on their own. The struggle you have with the devil as protestant is a personal one. The dangers are not only physical but spiritual. The devil can utilize the services of anyone else. Someone you know might be the devil. Christians had to be on their guard all the