Registered Health Information Technical also termed as RHIT. RHIT
Registered Health Information Technical also termed as RHIT. RHIT
Maya works at Community Medical Center as Assistant Director of the Health Information Department. She has worked in Health Information Management for the past 15 years, although she is new to Community Medical Center, within the past two weeks. Maya is aware of many statistics that are maintained for the joint commission, and for licensing purposes. Maya has previous work experiences as an Physician Record Assistant at a 250- bed acute care hospital, also Director of Health Information Services at a large joint Commission-accredited acute care facility…
Registered health information technicians (RHITs) are custodians of one of the most important tools in modern health care—the medical record. These professionals ensure that patients’ histories are accurate, complete, up to date and properly entered into the clinical database. Thanks to the work of RHITs, doctors and other providers have a full range of information at their fingertips which can be used to plan and deliver high quality care.…
Also, the individual who is studying to become a registered health information administrator (RHIA) must take an exam. The exam consists of 180 wide variety questions. The core knowledge that should be heavily studied is; health data management, health statistics, biomedical research and quality management, information technology and systems, organization and management, privacy, confidentiality and security, and legal and…
There are several roles within the health information management (HIM) profession. A HIM professional gathers, preserves, evaluates and guard’s personal health information within many different health care settings. One of the most important duties in regards to a HIM professional is ensuring compliance and upholding the current regulations in the health care industry. This paper will take a closer look at the specifics of what a HIM professional does to ensure compliance as well as the importance of education and certifications that many employers are now requiring for potential candidates in the HIM field.…
As the Chief Compliance Officer it is very important that business associates (covered entities) make a supreme effort to ensure the safe keeping of a patient’s health information. Considering three key areas that will affect the decision whether a hospital receives its accreditation consist of the release of information, protection of privacy/maintenance of confidentiality/protection of data security, and management of sensitive health information. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires this privacy and security rules including 18 types of identifiers for individuals must be secured at all times to include Electronic protected health information (ePHI).…
There are a number of business challenges in healthcare such as service quality, safety, rising costs, a severe shortage of skilled staff in order to meet the needs of patients with a complex burden of illness. To meet the challenges in front of us, will require a shift from acute care to more preventive and long-term chronic care management. This new care model must be supported by interoperable health information technology and a more patient-centric care system.…
Health care information systems are a collection of data and information unique to health care. This information includes starting with an information structure that collects both administrative and clinical patient data, compiles the information, makes information available for up-to-date patient care all the way through the reimbursement process. These systems also aggregate data for reporting to measure outcomes. A description of different types of patient information and the key elements associated with the capture of health care data will be discussed.…
Computer technology continues to make rapid advances in healthcare facilities. Many healthcare facilities have used computer programs for administrative functions such as payroll and billing. Electronic health record (EHR) systems have the potential to transform the health care system from a mostly paper-based industry to one that utilizes clinical and other pieces of information to assist providers in delivering higher quality of care to their patients.…
Professionals holding the RHIT credential are health information technicians who: Ensure the quality of medical records by verifying their completeness, accuracy, and proper entry into computer systems. Use computer applications to assemble and analyze patient data for the purpose of improving patient care or controlling costs. Often specialize in coding diagnoses and procedures in patient records for reimbursement and research. An additional role for RHITs is cancer registrars - compiling and maintaining data on cancer patients. Cancer Registrar Certification…
The effectiveness of databases is based on the fact that from one single, inclusive database much information regarding a range of organizational principles can be obtained. In the health care industry database systems allows information to be shared and available to different users; it can provide an accurate, consistent, and up-to-date information about a patient’s condition and treatment, as well as provide a security measure so that the information is only viewable to those who should see it.…
The AHIMA was founded in 1928 by the American college of Surgeons when they first established the Association of record Librarians of North America. The AHIMA was created to improve health record quality, and the effective management of health data, so that healthcare providers could deliver quality care to the public. Throughout the decades there has been several name changes. In 1938 the Association changed its name to the American Association of Medical Record Librarians, then again in 1970 when it became the American Medical Record Association. The last name change came in 1991 to what all HIM professionals have come to know as the American Health Information Association. These name changes come as a reflection to the Associations process for moving forward with its knowledge and technology. The AHIMA mission for making this possible, is by transforming health data. The AHIMA is committed to developing HIM leaders throughout the profession. Recognizing that HIM professionals are health industry experts. AHIMA is advancing new software and technology, and the HIM professional are benefiting from this. The association is also encouraging the public to get involved in their own personal health records. The AHIMA forefathers paved the way, so that I as a soon to be emerging HIM professional, may have the right skills and tools needed to be successful in the career that they worked so…
Health Information Technician’s are an important assest to healthcare organizations. An individual who has an interest in becoming a Health Information Technician must meet specific requirements. The eligibility requirements are an Associates Degree in Health Information Technology or a postsecondary certificate from an accredited program by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Health Information Management (CAHIIM). Health Information Technician’s must keep current on their certification such as renewing their certification and taking educational courses as required. Health Information Technician’s are responsible for maintaining the health records of patients in both paper and electronic systems. It is important…
There are several different things the health information manager can do to help with reimbursement. Ensuring that the proper codes have been assigned and that there is adequate documentation. The health information management department staff may also analyze case mix, manage on going reimbursement and quality issues, ensure that health record documentation supports services billed, assign diagnostic and procedural codes according to patient record documentation, apply coding guidelines and edits when assigning codes or auditing for coding quality and accuracy. This department may also assist in appealing insurance claims denials.…
Health information exchange system is responsible for mobilizing the healthcare information electronically throughout the associated organizations that are bordered by community, hospital system, and region. Health information exchange can endow us the ability to transfer clinical information electronically in between the network of health care information systems and at the same time maintaining and securing the true meaning of the information being exchanged. It is the job of health…
Legal implications, costs, and privacy are just three of many challenges facing widespread implementation of health information exchanges. Legal implications of a health information exchange may arise with misuse of patient data collected in an HIE data base. Health information exchange is a fairly new concept, policies and procedures need to be in place in regards to sharing of patient data for purposes other than patient treatment. Other use of patient information includes using aggregated patient information for research purposes. Attention needs to be paid to patient data collected in HIE and the consents provided for patient data sharing. Health Information exchange is complicated and sensitive, thus the scope of error is very minimal. The issue of cost with HIE sensitivity arises when Heath Information Exchanges go down. The scope for error in HIE is minimal and very sensitive, implementation and utilization over long periods of time could eventually cause system issues. Downtime caused by system issues would impact the physicians and organization ability to generate revenue. Security of sensitive patient information in Health Information Exchange systems is the biggest challenge of widespread implementation. Health Information Exchanges give patient access to many health care professionals. The reality of abusing patient information is always a factor. Patient medical information can be misused by competing insurance companies, physicians, unauthorized research and pharmaceutical companies, and other unauthorized agencies. Patient information abuse is a major factor in HIE…