This study determined the perceived effect that we can get from the new curriculum K-12. The study also determines the advantages and disadvantages of the said curriculum. The outcome of this study will be relevant to the society because this would give them another groundbreaking opportunities to let their children go to school and to let them try the new curriculum to have a better learning for a better future.…
The Department of Education (DepEd) has implemented the enhanced K to 12 or Kindergarten to Grade 12 Basic Education Program, adding two more years to the existing 10-year basic education curriculum. The graduates of this program are envisioned to be holistically-developed Filipinos with 21st century skills who are prepared for higher education, middle-level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship. DepEd Order 36, series of 2012 pertaining to Senior High School (SHS) has called for a research and development process that would explore the implementation of a “Senior High School Modeling Program” with 28 schools as participants or “model” schools ahead of the projected nationwide actualization of SHS in 2016-2017. The school modeling started last June 2012 for selected model high schools (Grade 11), with fourth year high school graduates of SY 2012 and beyond as the enrollees. This study aimed to initially appraise the implementation of the Grade 11 Mathematics Curriculum of Senior High School. It identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Mathematics Curriculum of Grade 11 under SHS Modeling Program in six pilot schools from Region IV-A CALABARZON and National Capital Region so that the results could help in the policy formulation and curricular enhancement to run the curriculum successfully and beneficially.…
Senate Economic Planning Office. (2001). K to 12: The Key to Quality Education?. Philippines: SEPO Policy Brief.…
But what is K-12? A basic question that until now, many people didn’t fully understand. Will it improve the education system of the Philippines? Or it will be just a waste of time? How people will react with this project?…
As early as 1925, studies have observed the inadequacy of the basic education curriculum. As one of the most well studied reforms, recommendations of either…
On June 2011, the K-12 program was implemented in the Philippines with one of its aims being to equip the Filipino students 21st Century skills for their holistic development as…
The implementation of K+12 Educational System in the Philippines would bring forth more benefits if it has been approved in a much later time. For now, we can say that implementation of K+12 is not the best solution to the problems the country is currently…
Dr. Rommel Costales, the Education Program Supervisor in Filipino, discussed about the K to 12 Curriculum. He introduced the Secretary’s message on K to 12 Updates and he further emphasized on some important issues regarding the curriculum.…
The Philippine education system pursues the achievement of excellent undergraduates in the elementary and secondary level. The Department of Education pronounces the addition of two more years in the basic education of students, which according to them will benefit not only the Filipino youth but all the Filipino in the Philippines.…
After 13 grueling months of extensive review of past education studies and plans, specifically the EDCOM, the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP 1999-2004), Philippines Education Sector Study (1998) and `Education for All' Assessments (EFA 2000), among others; marathon meetings and workshops; and consultations with key persons in the system, the Presidential Commission on Educational Reform (PCER) has identified nine (9) recommendations, seen as ripe for reform. The reform proposals were formulated based on the clustered priority areas of concern as specified in Executive Order 46 dated 07 December 1998, later on conflated into six (6), as follows: financing; governance; information technology, science, math and other technologies; medium of instruction; quality assurance; and teacher development and welfare.…
The purpose of this essay is straightforward: to inform the public about the issue and present my arguments regarding the K+12. I will embark upon the effectiveness of the implementation of K+12, not necessarily the effectiveness of K+12 as a system. In Education lies the future of a society; it is appropriate then that the students be educated properly, because their individual as well as societal growth depends in it. (MJ…
A pleasant welcome to all of you, my dear listeners. So many years passed by, many changes undergo. Just like what the Department of Education implemented. It is the New Curriculum called K-12 Education System under the administration of the President Benigno Ninoy Aquino III. Basically, the K-12 System includes the universal kindergarten 6 years of elementary, 4 years of junior high school with an additional 2 years for senior high school.Top of Form This is to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.…
2. “The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. One reason is that students do not get adequate instructional time or time on task.”…
K-12 aims to give quality basic education to make the students readily employable but there are problems with the textbooks produced for this program. Before implementing this program, there are already DepEd books that have errors. There are words like “Unexcitement”, “lakslustre”, and “DNA alternation” which was supposed to be “DNA alteration”. DepEd said that the claimed error books were the old ones. However, there are some reports which says that the books are still in use. There are also reports that these books were used for the training of teachers. According to DepEd Assistant Secretary Jesus Matedo, the old errored books were used by the English teachers for their training. If the government wants to improve the quality of education, it should produce books immediately that are free from errors. According to Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” R. Marcos Jr., the country should focus upgrading the materials and the training for teachers. These processes will improve the quality of education, not adding two more years in high school. The government argues that adding two more years will improve the quality of education but the adding of two more years has nothing to do with quality but quantity. Another thing that the government should focus is to strengthen or improve the education system in the country. Instead of focusing on standardized tests, the schools should focus more on application. Although testing is a good because it is a way of knowing how much you have remembered from the discussions, application is better because it is a good way of knowing how much you have learned. Learning the subject and applying it will make the students remember it on a long-term. Thus, the government should focus on improving the quality and not adding the quantity of…
In education alone, we have introduced changes which aim to equip you with more relevant knowledge and skills for the new economy. The K to 12 Basic Education program is a massive upgrade of lessons, subjects and methods to ensure we are honing your gifts to maximize your potential. You are at the heart of this upgrade. In helping you grow to be the persons you are meant to be, we are helping build the nation’s future.…