Janessa L. Visser
Columbia College
A relationship is one of the best ways to describe a loving interaction between human-beings. In particular the mother and child relationship is a dynamic view of how all aspects of theoretical perspectives of psychology can play an influence. I walk through the stages of bonding through the creation to the beginning of those dreaded teenage years. Furthermore through the paper explanations on how the child: learns, observes and develops. Thereby showing in the end, how the influence by one of the most important people in their lives, the mother can begin to mold who they will be in the future.
Relationship between Mother and Child For centuries psychologists have been trying to figure out human emotions. Most noteworthy stand to be the emotions of: sadness, happiness, anger, and love. Especially valuable to most, is this emotion of love: people kill, die, pay, and hurt to have it. This emotion is presented best in the manner that we hold the people dear to us; for example: a friend, a sibling, a spouse, a parent, and a child. As a matter of fact, each of these have a degree of love as the foundation that holds them together. Therefore, the expression most often associated with love, is the word Relationship. In the light of this word, we know that it’s applied most when this emotion is focused on someone that we hold dear to us, alike the examples listed above. One of the most powerful examples I can give of this, would be the love between a mother and her child. Erich Fromm a German psychologist acknowledges the strength of this relationship in the following: “The mother and child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother and to become fully independent.” (BookRags Media Network , 2013) Even though this is a powerful statement, I will go
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