Personally, I’ve always felt I was a decent writer in all aspects regarding research and personal narratives. Considering those are subjects that interest me and that I love to read about. I struggle the most when it comes to making my writing hold a deeper or hidden message when the topics I am told to write about don’t interest me. Having to do rhetorical analysis with old literature and having to explain the main idea was my number one struggle in AP language and composition senior year. But other than that I felt, throughout high school, I enjoyed writing and taking a majority of the writing classes my school had to offer, not only because it was required but because it was something that teachers and myself felt I did acceptable work.…
My personal writing process helps me create the best writing I possibly can. Playing on my strengths and working on my weaknesses enhances my writing and allows for the creation of a well-crafted essay. My process may not be the same as others, but these are the steps I need to produce a powerful essay worth reading. Education and practice can help me further develop my weaknesses into strengths. As I learn new techniques, perhaps my future writing process will evolve, as…
I don't have much to say about writing for myself. Writing doesn't mean much to me. I am not a writer. I am an orator. However, writing does mean something to my wife. I love my wife. She loves to write. She spends hours a day writing. I watch words flow from her fingertips as she writes page after page. She doesn't let me read much of what she writes, but when she does, I can see the passion and the joy that she has for what she writes about. I wish that I could write with such a fire.…
Many people, when tasked with an essay, will groan and procrastinate. However, in my case, I rather have that assignment over anything else. I love to explain things, why I know them to be true, and how they work. Additionally, I enjoy journaling about my day to day experiences, fleshing out how I could better myself and handle problems differently. I see writing as a creative outlet — not a task to be checked off. Although I loved a good book when I was little, my recent love for literature springs from my experiences this past school year in AP Language and Composition. I took this class a year early in order to participate in AP Capstone. I enjoyed getting to explore and discover the true meaning behind the words they wrote.…
Instruments like drums and guitars were used, and changes in tone, along with clapping and stomping [8], are traits that made African music so distinctive. Improvisation and the call and response method described the type of music that was so highly different from that of the Europeans. The variation in rhythm is another trait that distinguishes African music from that of Europeans.…
First, I must say that I am a writer that procrastinates a lot. I’ll have good intentions to start an essay when I first get home, but then I get hungry, look up car parts, and lose interest in writing the piece. But, once I get in the swing of writing I can normally stay focused. I usually write essays in a calm, quiet environment, occasionally…
1. David’s primary purpose in sending a message is to inform the reader that the car company will not honour the customer’s claim. The writer’s priority is to inform the reader that the company would like to honour the claim, but point out that it could not happen because the warranty is expired.…
Writing is a way to express oneself and provide knowledge to the reader. Different forms of writing include poems, journals, and essays. However, over my years of being in school, writing has seemed to be an un-bearable chore to me. I didn’t grow as a writer and never will either.…
Writing has never been easy for me. In school, I have always had good grades. Some subjects came naturally like biology, history, and even math. Over time I have learned, that writing is a process. It takes patience and skill. Ever since writing my first major paper in the eighth grade, I gained a better understanding and appreciation for writing.…
Writing is a very important skill for people to possess. People will need this skill throughout their entire life. They will need it for school and even their careers. Even though I am only seventeen years old, I have been writing my entire life and I will continue to write for the rest of my life. Throughout the years, I realized that writing is not an easy task and requires special skills to have the ability to create detailed and interesting stories. Not only will I write for school, but I will need to write when I am pursuing my career, and I will also write for my own personal enjoyment.…
My writing experiences has had a big effect in my life, although they have been troublesome. It was the first time in my life that I can recall feeling bad about myself which I was affected by name spelling, bullying, and anger issues.…
Writing is very essential part of our life. My writing skills have been greatly influenced by two of my sisters. Their creative writing styles has inspired me in many ways and helped me become a better writer. They also provide assistance when proof reading my papers as well as assist with expanding my vocabularies and ideas to be able to produce a satisfactory paper. They continuously educate me on knowing the proper writing format and grammar. Furthermore, their words of encouragement to always strive to become better, has helped shape me to become the writer that I am today.…
What is a relationship? It could be classified as an intimate relationship, a sisterhood, brotherhood, friends from school, etc. But all in all a relationship is the way you interact with people in your life. Relationships are generally perceived to be something positive in one’s life; but no matter what; all relationships have problems. People argue, and naturally come into conflict with one another.…
During my elementary years I was assigned free writes. Free writes are timed writings that all my teachers assigned, which consisted of a topic they chose and I would create a story about the topic. For example, I would have to create a story with an imaginary super hero. I noticed my classmate’s stories were better than mine. Furthermore by the time I reached junior high I started to get assigned essays. During my sixth grade year with Ms. Jaltabacian I was taught the basics of English composition such as the development of an introduction paragraph, the main point paragraphs and the conclusion. I was also taught the different types of essays one can write, such as narratives, descriptive and persuasive. My first essay was a descriptive essay on aerospace engineering and what requirements are needed to become an engineer. For example an advanced math and science back ground, such as calculus, statistics, physics and computer science. This essay helped me discover the career path I wanted to pursue. For seventh and eighth grade I had the same English teacher Ms. Medendorp and her teaching style was different to what I was accustomed to. She prepared a lesson out of the textbook. She would have the class read out of textbook, answer reading questions and write opinions about reading. This is why I am able to analyze a text and understand it. Ms. Medendorp would assign essays. These essays did not have to make sense or be clear as long as it had proper…