Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large
7ps of marketing.
NEED Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a company's willingness to strike the right balance between profits and environmental protection, social progress and the principles of overall good corporate citizenship. With the effects of corporate irresponsibility, like the banking crisis and the Gulf oil spill, touching so many lives, Americans are increasingly willing to insist that businesses act like responsible citizens.
IMPORTANCE The Internet has rapidly become the tool of choice for spreading information about companies around the world.
The thing every company fears most is becoming the target of a powerful single-issue campaign group. So, rather than wait for it to happen, it is better to take pre-emptive action in the form of environmental product development and labelling, or engaging in such ideas as codes of conduct and social audits.
We have to take cognisance of the new forces in the consumer market, where the consumer-citizen is metamorphosing (gradually in countries like India) into a citizen-consumer.
Cause marketing, development partnerships and environmental concerns make good business sense - particularly in terms of recycling materials, employee satisfaction and morale, building up reputational capital and as a distinctive brand marketing tool.
INTRODUCTION-service marketing Services marketing first came to the fore in the 1980’s when the debate started on whether marketing of services was significantly different from that of products so as to be classified as a separate discipline. Prior to this, services were considered just an aid to the production and marketing of goods and