“The belief in and worship of, a personal God or Gods” Religion is present in every society. Whether this has negative connotations on behaviours that over shadow the good done, will be objectively evaluated. Religion understandably comes under scrutiny from scientists, and free-thinking scholars. This may be due to the lack of physical presence of God himself. Freedom of thought is right expressed in westernised parts of the world, despite this being a good thing; many Religious wars have scarred views on Religion. Religion can bring sanctuary for many in times of hardship but has also been seen to create hardship through division and tension. New religious movements (NRM’S) fuel arguments for religion having a destructive undertone. In the late 1970s Jonestown scarred public perception of NRM’S through out the world. Within Jonestown, the informal names given to Peoples Temple agricultural project, 909 members committed a mass suicide. This act supports the idea that religion, does more harm than good, as this act was the largest such event in modern history to result in single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until the event of September 11, 2001. Psychiatrists such as Margret Thaler Singer worked closely with people who had left NRM’S becoming chairman of APA (American Psychological Association). Thaler was a leading thinker in theories of coercive persuasion, ‘Deprogramming’ members of NRM’S similar to The Church Of Scientology. In religion, every follower should be equal, but in elitist groups such as scientology many that have ‘defected’, speaking out about behaviours and unjust motives within elitist groups. Scientology has exhibited characteristics of a Cult and is known to use techniques such as ‘love bombing’, to recruit members. In retaining members Scientology has
“The belief in and worship of, a personal God or Gods” Religion is present in every society. Whether this has negative connotations on behaviours that over shadow the good done, will be objectively evaluated. Religion understandably comes under scrutiny from scientists, and free-thinking scholars. This may be due to the lack of physical presence of God himself. Freedom of thought is right expressed in westernised parts of the world, despite this being a good thing; many Religious wars have scarred views on Religion. Religion can bring sanctuary for many in times of hardship but has also been seen to create hardship through division and tension. New religious movements (NRM’S) fuel arguments for religion having a destructive undertone. In the late 1970s Jonestown scarred public perception of NRM’S through out the world. Within Jonestown, the informal names given to Peoples Temple agricultural project, 909 members committed a mass suicide. This act supports the idea that religion, does more harm than good, as this act was the largest such event in modern history to result in single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until the event of September 11, 2001. Psychiatrists such as Margret Thaler Singer worked closely with people who had left NRM’S becoming chairman of APA (American Psychological Association). Thaler was a leading thinker in theories of coercive persuasion, ‘Deprogramming’ members of NRM’S similar to The Church Of Scientology. In religion, every follower should be equal, but in elitist groups such as scientology many that have ‘defected’, speaking out about behaviours and unjust motives within elitist groups. Scientology has exhibited characteristics of a Cult and is known to use techniques such as ‘love bombing’, to recruit members. In retaining members Scientology has