In the following essay the role of religion in the Novel Brave New World is going to be analyzed. Religion is an underlying and important topic in the All World State which is according to the conditioning of the inhabitants.
The religion in Brave new World is totally different to the religion we know and practice today. For example as we Christians have God and Jesus as symbols for our faith, the people in the All World State (AWS) belief in Henry Ford, who partly "invented" the mass production. This mass production leads to the basement idea of the AWS producing humans in masses, like cars, clothes or mobile phones.
Henry Ford was the first man who used mass production in his factory. This type of producing cars in masses was the first acting someone ever did until he invented the popular car brand "Ford" in 1903 which was founded as "Ford Motor Company before they shortened the name for marketing reasons to "Ford". Until today Ford stands for an important symbol for mass production. Nearly all factories based in a way on his invention of assembly-line work.
People in the All World State see him as a pioneer of the community, because in the AWS nobody were naturally born anymore. They were all produced in masses in assembly-line and conditioned to several characteristics according to their caste. Part of their conditioning is also the implementation of the religion and the special rituals as there is for example the T-Sign which is similar to the Christian-Cross. This T-Sign stands for the first Car which was the “T-Model”, produced in assembly-line by Henry Ford. Also their calendar is based on Henry Ford and the invention of the T-Model. The Date in the AWS count from the invention of this first car at January 14th 1914. Another ritual in the AWS’ “Religion” is, that the whole community is told to attend solidarity services, where twelve members have a soma orgy, instead of visiting the church like it is usual in the