This gospel begins before Genesis’ 1:1 “In the beginning.” …show more content…
This gospel portrays the Passion in its most intense portrayal. It is noteworthy that John’s gospel also happens to be one of the most theological in content in its description of Jesus and in His relationship with the Father. John almost seems intent on writing to convince the reader that Jesus Christ is divine, that He is the incarnate God-Man, and that He is both God and Man. As such, He is the only One who can take away the sins of …show more content…
He was both human and divine…both Man and God. This God-Man was both 100% Man while still being fully 100% God. With the understanding of this being a poor example, it would be like this: I was born in Kansas and so I am 100% Kansan. However, since Kansas is in America, I am also 100% American so even I can be both 100% Kansan and 100% American at the same time without this adding up to 200%. In this same way, Jesus is fully God and fully Man. The main difference is that this Man died for you. His life, being God, was infinitely worth more than any human life could be worth and since He is God and Man, His life was sufficient to take away every human sin that has ever occurred or will occur. This is conditioned on a person repenting, seeing the sinfulness of their sin, seeing the need for a Savior, and then putting their trust in that