
Religion vs. Medical Care

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Religion vs. Medical Care
Religion vs. Medical Care
Kaplan College
Dwa Adewole
April 23, 2013

As Mrs. Johnson waits in the doctor’s office, she hopes to finally hear after two years of trying to conceive that she is expecting. A very successful twenty eight year old woman feels enthusiastic about her possibility of being pregnant, after four years of marriage. Dr. Neil enters the room and began to inform her that she has stage three ovarian cancer and he would like to start treatment as soon possible. Mrs. Johnson looks at the doctor and says,”No treatment, I know my faith in God will heal me.” Mrs. Johnson believes that God and her faith will heal her body, because it is a temple that God has made. The beliefs of different religions can lead to unnecessary pain, restricted care, and possible death.
The first problem is that religious beliefs can lead to unnecessary pain. Nurse Nancy is the God mother of Mrs. Johnson. She works in the oncology unit, and she knows how much pain the patient’s have to endure. Pain is the primary assessment that has to be under control in order to keep the patient comfortable. Medication is the primary way that the oncology unit control’s the patient’s pain. Some patient’s religious beliefs can influence the choice of taking the medications; because of diet restriction and the by-product of the medicine.
Next let’s define the word pain and how it affects the human body. Pain is defined as localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder such as a disease or injury (Longman, 1997). Pain can affect the body’s major vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respirations. When someone is in pain the signal is delivered to the hypothalamus. As a result that causes the medulla oblongata to respond. Meanwhile the patience’s heart rate begins to beat much faster, therefore causing the heart to pump blood at a faster rate than normal. When that occurs, the blood pressure tends to increase, resulting in an increase in heart rate. The

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