Since there are the employer, employee, legal and customer-facing implications as it relates to accommodating religious expressions in the workplace, corporations, specifically its human resources professionals, must create, implement, evaluate and modify, if necessary, its policies and procedures to ensure that employees are able to reasonably express their beliefs.
I. With the onset of globalization, employers face many obstacles as it relates to religious diversity since religion is not only important to Americans, predominantly Christians, but with non-Christians.
A. From 2006-2015, there have been 10.75 million of lawful immigrants accepted in the United States. (Department of Homeland Security, 2016)
1. For example, …show more content…
Congress and state legislatures “define religion broadly to include both theistic (god-based) and nontheistic [beliefs]”(Adams, 2012, p. 285). Consequently, companies may have difficulties including the gamut of all beliefs.
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II. With this being said, there are employer and employee implications as well as legal and customer-facing ramifications.
A. Stephanie Bardwell states that, “Organizational freedom, rights, and attitudes about diversity and tolerance are important to all organizations’ core values” (2013, p.1).
1. “Employers must make reasonable accommodation efforts regarding and employee’s religious beliefs unless they create undue hardship for the employer” (Mathis, Jackson, Valentine, & Meglich, 2017, p. 110).
2. Employers must consider the practical applications as it relates to what is acceptable such as dress, evangelizing, and other religion expressions.
B. While expressing religious preferences in the workplace, employees have to do so, respectfully, and they must not abuse these privileges.
C. Eileen P. Kelly states that, “A key legal factor is [a] statutory protection [afforded to] religious expression in the workplace under the federal, state, and local anti-discrimination laws and the growing awareness of that protection” (2008, p.