Walter B Jones, A member of Congress wrote to The honorable Kristin Bail, North Carolina’s Forest supervisor. Wrote that the Forest service started a prescribed burn, but it quickly grew out of control and covered over 21,000 acres. as we can see prescribed burns can even start a wildfire wich they are meant to deter.…
On March 25, 1947, a deadly coal mine explosion rocked the calm, peaceful town of Centralia, IL. During World War II, this mine provided coal to the war effort. A charge ignited built up coal dust and caused the explosion. This explosion should have surprised no one. Many public sector safety professionals from state and federal agencies knew of the hazards as a result of inspections, union complaints and letters to state officials. These same safety professionals had notified various officials of mine safety agencies and the mine company of the hazards on more than one occasion. Officers of the mine’s union had also pressed for the hazard to be corrected. Failure to take action to abate the hazard resulted in the loss of 111 hard working men who spent much of their lives mining coal.…
firefighters took on the role of other officials meaning they did their job and ithers too…
The Incident Command System (ICS) was developed in 1970 in response to the California fires, which “resulted in 16 deaths, 700+ destroyed structures, more than 500,000 acres burned, and over $234 million in damage” (A working history of the incident command system , n.d.). In the 1970's California was preparing for fire season and a group of interagency from Southern California created Firefighting Resources of Southern California Organized for Potential Emergencies (FIRESCOPE). The FIRESCOPE developed two systems to respond to wildfires called, Multiagency Coordination System (MACS) and Incident Command System (ICS), these plans failed in being able to respond adequately to the wildfires, “command Posts and fire camps were established by multiple…
To begin with, the initial response from local emergency responders showed signs of weakness from the beginning. Almost immediately command and control of the situation was inadequate. Command and control was lost for a variety of…
In the year 1984 there is one political party for Oceania, known only as the Party, and led by Big Brother. Nobody opposes the party because the party controls the population using methods such as creating youth organizations, manipulating history through the Ministry of Truth, and the telescreens.…
San Bernardino fire fighters surrendered to protect and preserve sanctity and safety. The inadequate fire fund caused an exodus of personnel mitigating the respond time from two to nineteen minutes. The mismanagement devastated City Fire that they had no alternative but to exit and have county fire reign. The 137 year legacy of honor, trust, and loyalty will not be erased but remembered with vigor. From my perspective, the boom on consultants and administrators was at the expense of vital fire and community services. Let me just say that fire was a threat because they voiced a strong opinion how residents are ignored and millions squandered. I understand that this is a tricky/ delicate/taboo topic, but the panic initiated a design to exit…
To begin, I previously mentioned Leadership, which is mentioned in the (D & D) text. Strong effective leadership is key not only to emergency response preparedness, but in every aspect and every part of our county. We have a system in place in which we the people elect our leaders and those we would like to be in control in the event that something as small as a fire, something that escalates into a computer bug meant to devastate the masses in a computer-based society, to terrorism on American soil, either foreign or domestic. Leadership and management skills…
The role of major health personnel in an emergency is to manage the safety and well being of the people in their community during and after a natural or man-made disaster. This is done by assessing the details of what occurred, what needs must be met and facilitating a team to organize information about the event and provide logistics as quickly as possible. This is seen in the simulation exercise for the “Disaster in Franklin County”. (Olson, Larsen, Scheller, & Johnson, 2006) Roles are appointed in a chain of command format. It is ideal that all personnel have received some type of emergency management training, but even if not, skill sets must be assessed and duties assigned accordingly. An Incident Commander will be appointed and the Public Health Director assigns rolls that include finances, planning, logistics, public information liaison and operators. The Public Health Team will work closely and concurrently with other entities, such as the Fire Chief, Police Chief, Hazardous Materials Team, Public Works and EMS teams. The public health department is mostly concerned with the safety and logistics of sheltering victims and being sure that food and water provided is safe for consumption.…
The roles of major public health personnel must be delegated properly in a disaster situation in order to facilitate effective action. In the incident presented, a chain of command was established and assignments given to the appropriate personnel based on their skills and experience. As a whole, this group reports to the Incident Commander, an individual that is responsible for managing the entire disaster operation and various teams involved in every level of disaster management.…
On April 18, 1906 at 5:12 AM a earthquake and fire developed in San Francisco that only lasted seconds, but yet it destroyed ¾ of the city including 300,000 homes and 38,000 buildings at the end. Much of the destruction that day was caused by the fire that the earthquake started that is why people today call it “the great Fire of 1906.” During the earthquake the head of the city’s fire department passed away when the chimney of his home collapsed on top of him. In addition to this tragic incident the fire department lost almost all of its water due to the tremor snapping the water mains deep in the ground.…
In the case of a natural disaster, we rely on our government to inform us about the severity of the disaster. Without this guidance, chaos and death may become prevalent. Kathy Zeitoun is one of the many people…
We all have a duty of care, and I would ensure that children, carers and others were made aware of the fire evacuation procedures if they were not familiar with the surroundings.…
Article Title 1: Colorado wildfire: thousands evacuated in Colorado Springs By Kurtis Lee and Erin Udell…
On August 19, 1910 the Big Burn in the Rocky Moutains began, recorded as the largest and most destrustive fire, in North America. At the time the United States fire service was only five years old, with very little experience and preparation to handle such a large forest fire. It destroys an area the size of Connecticut within a matter of 36 hours, equaling more than three-million acres of forest, and $1 billion worth lost in timber. There were atleast 78 firefighter fatalities, however it is unknown how many more died soon afterwards, due to the effects of smoke inhalation and other long term side effects. During that summer the weather was extremely dry, and without any rain for 3 months many small sparatic fires began to appear, quickly growing with all the available dried fuel.…