You are required to bring Blue Books for the exam. They are available at the Student Government Office (4th floor, University Center, right above the bookstore) for free. I will collect all your Blue Books and redistribute them before the exam. Also, you will be strictly required to leave all your cell phones and bags (along with all reading materials) in the front of the class. Any kind of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
Your midterm will consist of:
A) Objective Questions, including multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, True/ False questions and short answer questions. (65% of the midterm grade)
B) You will be given two essay questions, from which you will choose one to answer. (35% of the grade)
Use the readings, your class notes and slides to prepare for the test. No external material is required.
You should be familiar with:
Augustine: Influential church theologian Atman: A reference to essential self axis-mundi: A universal center , connects and supports the heavens and the Earth, religious man seperates the world according to Axis Mundi baptism: The right of admission, use of water into the Christian church blueprint for society: how all creatures and physical things relate to each other and mandate the world view Brahma: In Hindu the creator of the world
Christian Cosmological Synthesis: communitas: unstructured and temporary set of relationships based on shared ritual experience consecration: Cosmogony: beginning of the universe and how everything begins
Cosmos/ chaos:this is the city or organization/ ordered world that starts at the axis mundi and expands; no organization, no center no communication with heaven Crow creation story: Located in the upper plains of Wyoming, Montana and Dakotas covered with water old man who did everything, two small ducks found mud and everything from this kept bravest people=crow
Dharma: the