The essay, “The People Who Love You When No One Else Will,” is about a girl that had a father that wasn’t worth much, and they were living in a motel. That is an environment no 15 year old girl should have to live in. However, soon her best friend asked her parents if the girl could move in with them and they became the girl’s family. This incident illustrates that not all families are conventional. …show more content…
In the essay “Remembering All the Boys,” the writer treated everyone as a part of her family by putting flowers on their graves.
She didn’t care who they were or what gang they were in; she treated them like one of her family. Even when nobody else would, she put flowers on their graves. She treated them as her family, because she knew that they were just like her brother and deserved the same flowers he did even if they were in a different gang than him. That in my opinion is a very kind gesture and shows a lot of unbiased care for people as a whole.
The story in the essay “There Is No Job More Important than Parenting,” is a very touching story to say the least. It’s about a mother that cares so much for her daughter that she would do anything to help her out in life. It helped me realize that parents’ guide us where we need to go, and without them our fate is up in the air. It confirmed my belief that we need our parents the most throughout our lives. We rely on them for so much in our lives and people sometimes take our parents for
The essay “When Children Are Wanted” really touches on the subject of family. It shows that when a child is wanted then it has the best chance in life. However, when a child is not wanted it usually comes into this life a little behind everyone else. Most of the time when parents are not prepared for children, then a child isn’t wanted. One thing that isn’t needed is unplanned children. In this little world we call Earth we have enough people already, and it is preferable that all the children born at this point are wanted and planned for.
In conclusion, these essays really explore what a family is and what these people believe most about life and family. A family is a great asset in life and without one it’s harder to accomplish goals. Furthermore these essays really delve deeply into how we don’t have to be born into family and how we can find one along the way. What we mean by family in our society is basically people who will be there for us time and time again. Family isn’t defined anymore as just someone we are related to by blood; it goes much deeper than that.
All essays are from This I believe Vol. 1.