Renewable Energy
Green power, renewable energy, solar power, wind power, electric/hybrids. What is this? What can I do? Many may not know these terms, what they actually consist of, and how we can all do our part and help. What can any ordinary person do in our everyday lives to help care for Mother Earth? Renewable energy sources; solar, wind, and power these small changes can ensure a cleaner, safer and longer sustaining environment for our children’s grandchildren. Can renewables really be the way of the future? Some do agree that yes, it can. Solar power for instance, due to the fact that energy from the sun is clean, free, abundant, and infinitely renewable. It does not emit fumes, not dangerous to produce, and definitely does not need to be extracted at the expense of human, financial and environmental cost from below the surface of the ground. In the article, State Solar Plans Are As Big As All Outdoors states, “The expectation is that renewables will transform California’s electricity system,” says Terri O’Brien, who helps vet sites for new facilities for the California Energy Commission. The way to have solar power is provided through solar panels they can be placed on rooftops or buildings, on the sides or just on stand in an open area. When looking at Solar Thermal facilities to power cities with energy, like the one owned by Palo Alto based Ausra Inc, this is where the unsightly comes into play, rows of gigantic mirrors covering an area as big as 2 football fields. This poses a question of, “How can these solar panels work when the sun doesn’t shine?” No power can be generated and there’s no way to store. “Climate change is the greatest challenge that mankind has ever faced,” said Peter Darbee, President and Chief executive of PG & E and head of its parent S.F. PG&E Corp. “It’s imperative to seek out the most cost effective solutions.” Cost effective possibly but at the price of wasted land. A second renewable source; wind