Name: rana kabbani
Id :11130063
Why can the abstract be termed informative rather than descriptive? because the abstract brief over view of the problem and conclusion it summaries all the report.
How has the writer successfully limited the scope of the report? by providing equal employment opportunities for multinational workers, fostering cross-cultural literacy, and improving training in intercultural communication.
Where does the writer use internal summaries especially well? the writer use it in promoting and incorporating paragraph .The references internal document from company intranet.
Where and how has the writer adapted her technical information for her audience?
In the introduction like pie chart and bar chart.
What visual devices does the writer use to separate parts of the report and divisions within each part?
The writer uses a multicultural calendar.
How does the writer introduce, summarize and draw conclusions from the expert opinions she cites in order to substantiate the main point?
No answer
What are the ways in which the writer documents information she has gathered? she uses citations and includes a references at the end. she also uses notes that are written on the right of every paragraph next to any text that is taken from publication.
What functions does conclusions serve for readers? cite specific examples from the report?
The functions use to understand the text the examples like other companies must emphasize a cultural diversity in its corporate mission and in the workplace.
How do the recommendations follow from the material presented in the report? How are they both distinct and interrelated?