1. Industry profile 09
2. Company profile 13
3. Objectives of study 21
4. Project title 24
5. Research and methodology 26
6. Fact and finding 28
7. Analysis and interpretation 33
8. Suggestion 58
9. Limitations 59
10. Conclusion 60
11. Appendices 61
12. Bibliography 64
Industry Profile
The origin of stock market in India goes back to the end of the 18th century when long term negotiable securities where first issued. However, for all practical purposes, the real beginning occurred in the middle of the 19th century after the enactment of the company’s act in 1850, which introduced the feature of limited liability and generated investor interest in corporate securities.
An important early event in the development of the stock market in India was the formation of the Native Share and Stock Brokers association at Bombay in 1875, the precursor of the present day Bombay Stock Exchange. This was followed by the formation of associations/exchanges in Ahmadabad (1894), Calcutta (1908), and Madras (1937). In addition, a large number of ephemeral exchanges emerged mainly in buoyant periods to recede into oblivion during depressing times subsequently.
Presently the recognized stock exchanges in India have one of the following organizational forms;
Voluntary non- profit making association
Public limited company and
Company limited by guarantee A governing body consisting of selected and nominated members manages recognized stock exchanges. Stock exchanges are required to appoint an executive director with substantial powers to be the chief operating executive.
1. STOCK A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on part