Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Bachelor of Technology In Computer Science & Engineering
Submitted To Submitted By
Mr Akash Sanghi Shivam Jauhari
Asst. Professor B.Tech [CS]
CS Department 1019110052
Invertis Institute of Engineering & Technology
Bareilly-Lucknow Highway, NH-24, Bareilly
This is to certify that “Shivam Jauhari”,”Vishal Verma,”Attahullah”,”Rupesh” student of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering in Invertis Institute of Engineering & Technology (IIET), Bareilly affiliated to U.P.Technical University, Lucknow.
During the course of his project development he has completed a project report on “Online Job Portal”. This project is in partial fulfillment for the requirement of B.Tech curriculum as per university norms.
We wish them all the best in his carrier
It takes combined effort of our team to implement Online Job Portal networking website through a programming language. Though this brief note, we express our gratefulness to all those who have contributed directly or indirectly in our project.
We feel would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards all the people who have, in various ways, helped in this project.
I thank Mr. Zubair Sir (H.O.D., C.S) for steering me through the tough as well as easy phases of the project in a result oriented manner with concerned attention.
My heartfelt thanks to Mr.Rahul Rastogi Sir (Project In Charge) who accepted me as a project Team Leader in their esteemed guidance and helping in the projects with words of encouragement and has shown full confidence in my abilities.
We finally thank our friends and family members without whose support the project would not have been possible .We have made possible effort to make the project to the best our abilities. Any suggestion & comments would be highly appreciated and welcomed...
Shivam Jauhari Vishal Verma Attahullah Siddqui Rupesh Shukla
This project has been designed so that people can remain in touch with their Job over the internet. It includes some extra features which makes it exciting project. Through this project a person can know various details regarding the Job to which he is sending the message over the network. This project helps to reduce Unemployment over the internet. This project provides the user with enjoyable and good-to-look means of communication.
In the 6th semester of B.Tech, we have learned about J2EE. We want to explore our knowledge. Therefore, we have developed this project.
This project is highly beneficial to the society in the sense that:
1. It provides facility of interacting with Job easily.
2. Moreover the hesitancy of somebody with the environment can removed up to some level. 3. It provides the instant delivery of message, thus it saves the time of its users.
This project is also beneficial for us:
1. It has enhanced our practical knowledge in J2EE, SQL, and HTML apart from syllabus.
2. It provides us experience to work in a group.
1. Introduction of project………………………………………………..6
2. Problem definition……………………………………………………7
3. Scope of the Proposed System……..……… ………………………...8
4. System analysis & Feasibility….…………………………………….10
5. System Requirement………………………………………………….11
a. Hardware Requirement…………………………………………....11
b. Software Requirement…………………………………………….11
i. Front End………………………………………………………..11
ii. Back End………………………………………………………..11
6. System Logical Design……………………………………………….12
a. Data flow diagram……………………………………………...…12
b .Data dictionary …………………………………………………...13
c .ER diagram………………………………………………………..14
7. System Physical Design………………………………………………15
8. Input/output Design……….………………………………………….16
9. Testing………………………………………………………………..48
10. Implementation……………………………………………………...49
11. Limitations & Future scope…………………………………………50
12. Bibliography………………………………………………………...53
13. Reference...………………………………………………………….54
This project has been designed to descries Unemployment. This project encompasses most of the functionalities provided in other Job networking sites. We are the users of other social networking websites; therefore, based on our practical experience gained by using other social networking websites, we have developed this project.
The very nature of day to day strategy of human life has been redefined. Today much of our society realizes on automated technology, either directly or indirectly for efficiency and also for effectiveness.
This project “Job Portal” provides us the environment as the social Job website. One can search one’s Job, other persons and add them in one’s Job list and can remain in touch with them by sending and receiving request to and from them.
The purpose this report is to present a detailed description of Online Job website project. It will explain the purpose and features of the project like what project for, constraints under which it operate and the system to be developed is going to react to external stimuli. The report is intended to both developers and the general public. An Online Job Portal where the job seekers can register themselves at the website and search jobs which are suitable for them where as the employers register with the website an put up jobs which are vacant at their company.
This project will be designed so that people can secure their Job over internet. It includes some extra features which makes it exciting project.
The users can create and update their profile to make it more lively and attractive. User can invite other users who are not currently members. User can manage all the account details such as user name, personal information, user placement form etc. at one location.
Through this project a person can know various details regarding the person to which he is sending the message over the network. This project helps in making more Job efficiency over the internet. This project provides the user with an enjoyable and good-to-look means of communication.
We wished to develop a project which comprises of functionalities like applicant login, search Job, going from other profile to current profile and from current profile to other’s profile, logout, Editing profile, employee selection page of applicant, sending request for job, viewing Job list. In current system anybody cannot edit somebody’s profile. The current system also restricts user from getting logging in without knowing password, email id.
The design and implementation of this site Based on the following constraints:
This project run on the minimum memory possible i.e. the memory should constraint should be understood while developing the system.
Other constraint is that software should be developed in accordance with the required color resolution stated by the customer. The website is developed user friendly i.e. the website is developed according to the user’s requirement. This site uses a sample database which receives input from the fields present in a JSP form and validates the data by various security checks to prevent unwanted changes in the database.
The functional requirements of the website are as follows:
1. System should check the validity of each input before enabling the user to store them permanently.
2. Until the input are checked and interpreted as correct they will not be stored in the database because they are not correct record fields and they will damage the database. 3.User interfaces or screens will look like the same as other windows based applications interfaces i.e. they have a title bar with control buttons like close, also they have buttons, textboxes etc.
The proposed system is very much feasible as it includes:
1. The website is technically feasible. It provides smooth working.
2. The resources we have used to make our site more effective is not much expensive, therefore our website is also economically feasible.
3. The software’s used in this project are easily available.
In Technical Feasibility study, one has to test whether the proposed system can be developed using existing technology or not. It is planned to implement the proposed system using java technology. It is evident that the necessary hardware and software are available for development and implementation of the proposed system. Hence, the solution is technically feasible.
As part of this, the costs and benefits associated with the proposed system compared and the project is economically feasible only if tangible or intangible benefits outweigh costs. The system development costs will be significant. So the proposed system is economically feasible.
It is a standard that ensures interoperability without stifling competition and innovation among users, to the benefit of the public both in terms of cost and service quality. The proposed system is acceptable to users. So the proposed system is operationally feasible.
Hardware :
| | | |
|Number |Description |Type |
|1. |Processor |Pentium III or higher |
|2. |RAM |256 MB(minimum) |
|3. |HDD |10 GB(minimum) |
Software :
| | | |
|Number |Description |Category |
|1. |Windows2000/XP with MS-Office-2007 |Operating System |
|2. |J2EE |Front End |
| 3. |SQL |Back End |
|4. |Apache Tomcat |Web Server |
| | |
System logical Design
Context Level Diagram
Level 1 Diagram
Level 2 Diagram
Over all database
E-R Diagram:
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Output Design
The aim of the testing process is to identify all facts existing in a software product. Testing provides a practical way of reducing defects in a system and increasing the user’s confidence in a developed system.
Testing a program consists of subjective the site to a set of test inputs and observing if the site behaves as expected. if the site fails to behave as expected, then the condition under which failure occurs are noted for later debugging and correction.
A test case is the triplet [I, S, O] where I am the data input to the system, S is the state of the system at which the data is input, and O is expected output of the system. There are essentially two main approaches to systematically designing test cases: 1. Black box approach 2. White box approach
In the black box approach, test cases are designed using only the functional specification of the software, i.e. without any knowledge of the internal structure of the software. For this reason, black-box testing is also known as functional testing. On the other hand, designing which box test cases requires a thorough knowledge of the internal structure of the software, and therefore the white box testing is also called Structural testing. We have performed white box testing for technical viewers because they require knowledge of the coding.
For keeping our software up to date and effective as well as efficient, we have to perform software maintenance activities, which comprise of five different types of maintenance. Performing all these types of maintenance sessions we checked out for its success.
The main maintenance activities which are performed by us are given below: 1. Adaptive maintenance
This type of maintenance is required to keep software current. As the business expands or as its environment both (internal as well as external) changes, software has to be adaptive to the changes. As for example, if the organization open a new special branch, then the existing software will definitely have to be adaptive to incorporate this changed. 2. Corrective maintenance
This type of maintenance is what is most commonly understood by maintenance and that is correction of errors. Here we search out and tested every program and code for human made errors and remove it. 3. Technology related adaptive maintenance
It is required to keep the software in line with current technology. So the software requires to be enhanced. If a new technology has emerged that would significantly enhance your software, then the software should be changed to take full advantage of the advances in technology. This is similar to Adaptive maintenance because here the adaptation is because of technology changes rather than users or business changes. 4. Perfective maintenance
It is for fine tuning of system or enhancing the processing capabilities of the system. This is different from what we have discussed in the earlier point because in the previous point, software was changed due to changes in technology while here, the technology may not have changed, but the software is changed to make effective and efficient.
User has to log on to the website to avail the various facilities provided by the site. The user has to submit his userId and password to log on to the site.
Registration: Users can register their profile on the website for authorization and to get integrated with the website.
Profile: The users can create and update their profile to make it more lively and attractive. Users can search their friends as well as other users through the website. A friend request can be sent by the user to the other users of the website to invite them.
A friend list is created for the users ease to make it easy for the users to find their friends. Message and mails can be sent by the user to his friends. Photographs can be uploaded by the user and can be displayed in the user’s profile to be viewed by other users. Also, the user can upload photographs in his gallery. These can be viewed by other users too.
User can change his profile’s theme by choosing the theme of his interest from available themes. User can view the calendar. User can go directly to home page from the current page. Users can logout.
Apache: web server.
Authentication: Authentication parameter includes the User Id and Password by which system recognized the right person with right work.
Client: They are authorized users.
Database: It is the collection of interrelated and meaning full data.
DFD: Data Flow Diagram.
ERD: Entity Relationship Diagram.
FDD: Functional Decomposition Diagram.
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.
Hardware: All the physical parts of a computer.
JSP: Java Server Pages.
J2EE: Java 2 Enterprise Edition.
Internet: A world wide system of linked networks.
New user: Any person who is not registered.
Network: Group of users.
Port Number: Software connection point.
Servlet: It is a program that compiles and executes at the web server.
Software: Collection of small programs which can perform particular task.
TCP/IP: Transmission control protocol / Internet protocol.
Tomcat: Web Container.
URL: Uniform Resource Locater.
URI: Uniform Resource Indicator.
Web Server: A central system which holds web page and files. Control functionality of the system.
XML: Extensible Markup Language.
We have taken help from these books and websites while developing our project:-
1. Beginning JavaScript Paul Wilton.
2. Beginning java server pages Vivek Chopra, Sing Li. 3. HTML & XHTML (The complete reference) Thomas A. Powell. 4. Java for the web with Servlets, JSP, and EJB. Budi Kurniawan. 5. Database Systems Korth 6. SQL (the complete reference) James R. Groff.
2. 3. 4.
Job Portal is a concept that has quickly begun to work its way into the lives of people across the world. Because of its usefulness on so many different levels, many different types of people can utilize Job opportunity for many different ways. Most commonly, social job sites are used for personal motives. However, people are starting to realize the diversity of social job portal website and its potential uses for much more.
Connecting people is essentially the goal of any social job site. Anyone from anywhere can choose whatever site they wish, and immediately begin chatting, sharing material and making useful job for own Future. Typically, it has been students and younger adults that take advantage of job portal. But we are seeing more and more demographically and psycho graphically different people joining. It’s a great way for handicapped and physical effective person to keep in touch with job, whose can’t grooming here and dare .They easily find out own perfect job
The latest trend in Job portal, specialized sites, also welcomes new users. Previously, some people may not have joined a Job portal because they were not sure of its benefits or uses. But, with the concept of specialization in one single topic, people can more easily see exactly what these sites are for, live with Job.
List of Tables
1. User table 42
2. T1 table 43
3. Request table 44
4. Friend 45
5. Scrap 46
6. Gallery 47
List of Figures
1. Logo form 34
2. Registration form 35
3. Login form 36
4. Home form 37
5. Scrap form 38
6. Gallery form 39
7. Profile form 40
8. Friend form 41
List of Abbreviations
1. Id Identification
2. Firstname Common name of user
3. Last name Cast name of user
4. UserId User simply identification
5. Password User personal code to open a/c
6. Postalcode User living code
7. Comments User thought’s
User Technical profile
Job Portal
Reg. User User
Job Portal
Reg. User
Sharing information
Date of Birth
First Name
Last Name
Profile Search
Technical profile
Personal profile
Emp Selection page
User Search
Placement form
Search msg form
Add Job
Job list
Mesg. send
Job Portal
Job Offer msg
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