The development of a country depends up on the consolidate development of all infrastructures like-agricultural sector, industrial sector, financial sector, technological sector etc. But developing all these structures is not easy. A lot of troubles and threats always hinder and make difficulties to success. The most difficult problem is financial risk. So if it is feasible to provide financial protection then most of the structural development will be achievable with minimal efforts. And the most well known practical method for handling financial risk is insurance. Delta Life Insurance Company Limited was incorporated in November 10, 1986 and is mainly engaged in Ordinary Life (OL), Group Insurance (GI), Health Insurance (HI) business and non-traditional micro insurance business under the name of Gono-Grameen Bima (GN-GRB). The Company is a publicly traded Company and its shares are listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange. However, we have prepared this report on Delta Life Insurance Co. Ltd, which is one of the growing and prospective insurance companies in the insurance industry. The company is providing protection and financial security to the nation, whilst adding shareholders value thought customer service excellence. By the way of examining and evaluation the functions and performance of Delta Life Insurance Co. Ltd, we tried to illustrate a true scenario of insurance industry of Bangladesh. Our report topic is ³Overall Activities Delta Life Insurance Co. Lid´. So, to get an accurate realization about Delta Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Basically, we emphasize on underwriting process & claim settlement issues of Delta Life Insurance Company.
1. Introduction: 1.1 Origin:
As we are the student of business administration we have been authorized by our guide teacher to prepare a report on the activities of Delta Life Insurance Company given to the customers and their underwriting process and claim settlement.