You may download a copy of the background sheet from the Senate website at under committee information.
Measure: Author:
List your name and all contact information (office, cell, etc.) for individual staffing this bill.
Office Telephone #:
Cell Phone #:
1. Origin of the bill:
a. Who is the source of the bill? What person, organization, or governmental entity requested introduction? b. Has a similar bill been before either this session or a previous session of the legislature? If so, please identify the session, bill number and disposition of the bill. 2. The Education Code is permissive, and as such, granting permission or authority, or encouraging schools and school districts to take specified action is unnecessary. The analysis for any such bill may include a comment about the bill being unnecessary. School districts have local autonomy and are governed by locally elected school boards. Intervention by the State should be reserved for the most severe situations that cannot be resolved locally.
State the specific problem, or deficiency in the present law, which the bill seeks to remedy. Please include references to sections of law or regulations.
3. Provide an estimate of any costs or savings imposed by this bill on any state or local entity, and explain how this estimate was made.
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4. Please attach copies of a fact sheet and any background material in explanation of the bill, or state where such material is available for reference by committee staff. 5. Please attach copies of letter of support or opposition from any group, organization, or governmental agency who has contacted you either in support or opposition to the bill. Letters from organizations must be on letterhead, include a signature, and