Reseach Methodology
Chapter 3 Research Methodology Introduction This chapter will illustrate the steps used to examining and testing the research problems. This chapter is enclosed with research design, sampling, questionnaire design and data collection method. Type of Study Correlational study had been explored in this study. This study was performed focusing on the consumers that have environmental knowledge in Penang. In order to predict the relationship among the attitude, product knowledge, and promotion strategies with purchase intention towards green product. Hypotheses testing had been used to clarify the variance of the dependent variables. Nature of Study This study was performed under the natural environment which is non-contrived setting. Besides that, this is a cross sectional study because the data had been collected over a month period from the respondents after the questionnaire had been distributed in Penang. Exploratory Research In order to explore the problems towards green purchase intention, secondary data was collected from the variety of literatures. There are a lot of study which investigate the purchase intention towards luxury products, online music, counterfeit goods and so on but there are only a few of study investigate purchase intention towards green products (Summers, Belleau and Xu, 2006; Chu and Lu, 2007 and Wee, Ta and Cheok, 1995). Hence this study is focus on purchase intentions towards green products. Table 1 showed the summary of related research on purchase intentions towards consumer’s product. Author/s Summers, Belleau and Xu (2006) Chu and Lu (2007) Ta and Cheok (1995) Luxury products Online music Counterfeit goods Product
Table 1 related research summary on purchase intentions towards consumer’s product
Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis of this study are individuals who practice green consumerism in Penang. Research Site This study is focus on the individuals that stay in Penang.
Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique