Dyslexia is impaired reading ability with a competence level below that expected on the basis of the person's level of intelligence, and in the presence of normal vision, letter recognition, and recognition of the meaning of pictures and objects.
It is important to have some knowledge about the history of dyslexia if you want to go deep inside the roots of the disorder. Many practitioners and therapists choose to deal only with the modern theories and arguments but it should be noted that some of the most fundamental concepts behind the theory come from historical events. If you have an overview of early medical practices and the development of the disorder, it would help you correlate events when you are trying to identify specific cases. If you do decide to turn the pages of the history books, you would see that dyslexia has a relatively short history that can be surmised into a few specific events and developments.
Early Conceptions And Practices:
Once you start looking through the history of dyslexia, you would see that the disorder was relatively unknown till the middle of the nineteenth century. A German neurologist, Adolph Kussmaul, worked with several adults suffering with reading difficulties. He coined the term ‘alexia’ or ‘word blindness’ around 1878 to reflect the nature of the disorder. This term kept on being used in several medical journals. However, no prominent cause was still discovered except for its direct relations with certain forms of neurological impairment. Cases continued to be reported and categorized under the general term of ‘word blindness’ in the history of dyslexia, until further developments were carried out.
The Report Of Dr. Dejerne:
A milestone in the history of dyslexia came about in 1891 as Dr. Dejerne published a report