ASSIGNMENT 1 (Semester mode): Booklet - 20 marks
Several local/overseas stories from a local news source, about issues that raise ethical concerns, will be selected and provided by the lecturer. Articles will be placed in class share → \\gutulei → EVG401 → SAMABULA CAMPUS, Semester → Assignment 1 – Booklet. Each student is to select ONE news article for this assignment. You are to prepare a BOOKLET of A4 size according to the following guidelines:-
A front cover page. The “Title” of your booklet will be on top of the cover page. Use your own creativity to illustrate. Write your name, ID number, Course code and your programme of study.
Page 2: Plagiarism Declaration Form - Sign the plagiarism declaration form to confirm the work is your own original work, you are complying with FNU policies on plagiarism, and are free of the dishonest practices outlined in the FNU Academic and Student Regulations (No 40,40.1, 40.2: pg 42). The declaration form is in \\gutulei - EVG401 folder. You must use your own words in this assignment. If you are using other authors’ work from books, internet or other sources, cite the source correctly (reference). Check that your spelling and English sentence structure is correct. A ‘Simple Reference Writing Guide’ is available to help write references.
PLAGIARISM: If you fail to acknowledge sources, the copied information will be regarded as plagiarized. You will receive zero marks if you plagiarise in your assignment. Serious cases of plagiarism will be referred to the FNU Registrar for action.
Page 3: Attach the NEWS ARTICLE on this page.
Part 1: Background. (2 marks)
Briefly describe what the news article is about. Give background information on the issue(s) highlighted in the newspaper article and if this issue is a problem in Fiji or elsewhere. Identify the ethical problem in the news article. Make reference to the article. You must have a
References: (2 marks) Proper acknowledgement of sources used for this assignment and proper writing of references will gain you a further 2 marks.