Classical Conditioning ( John B Watson)
1.) Conditioned Emotional Response: (CER) Classical conditioning of emotional psychology
E. Classical Behaviorism
Watson & Rayner CER in infants (little albert B.)
A.) UCS= loud noise (strike hammer one steel bar)
B.) UCR= fear
C.) CS= White rat (neutral stimulus)
Operant Conditions
A.) Psychology strengthened or weakened on the consequences that follow it
B.) B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)
C.) Basic components in operant conditioning
1. Operant Psychology: Response that is shaped by its consequences (either reinforcement or punishment)
2. Reinforcement: Any event that strengthens the psychology that follows
a.) Positive Reinforcement: Pleasant Stimulus that strengthens a psychology rewards (food, smile, $)
b.) Negative Reinforcers: Unpleasant stimulus that, when removed, will strengthen a psychology (-) reinforcement (pain, boredom) ex: seatbelts
c.) Punishment: Any aversive event that weakens the psychology that follows it
3. Punishment
b.) Effectiveness of Punishment
1. Punishment may have undesirable side affects (children associate punishment with just you)
2. Punishment must be administered immediately after the response and each time the response occurs (babysitter telling kids “wait till your parents get home” doesn’t work)
3.Punishment without explanation is not effective
10/18/12 Social Learning Theory
Memory: Remembering
A. The Persistence of learning over time ( read about the anatomy of memory in book “hippocampus” – area of brain where azhletimers diseases attacks)
Models of memory
A. Encoding: Process of coding and putting information into memory
3. Context Dependent Memory: Memory is best when people are in the same environment
c. Storage
1.) Multi- Store Model
a.) Sensory Memory: Brief memory store of immediate sensory information
1.) Iconic Memory: Momentary memory if visual information
2.) Echoic Memory: Memory of auditory information