Literature reviews ….
are an integral part of graduate studies to help you become fully conversant with a topic area
may be a stand alone paper or part of a research paper or proposal
present a survey of scholarly articles, books and other sources that provides a summary, synthesis and critical evaluation of key ideas and work on a topic area.
present a big picture or overview of significant work done on a topic
enable you to gain deep understanding and insight by standing on the shoulders of giants
help you prepare for further original research by analysis of the current state of research on a topic
take time, patience, a clear mind and good organizational skills
A good literature review demonstrates
THOROUGHNESS – you have looked at key scholars and studies, current and classic research, you have explored key aspects of the topic. skills: search, note taking, analysis, organization
QUALITY & RELIABILITY – articles are mostly from peer-reviewed journals, accuracy of citations. skills: search, note-taking, cross-checking , organization
SYNTHESIS – you can connect research studies and ideas to each other and use them to elaborate and support your thesis. skills: analysis, synthesis, interpretation, noticing patterns, organization, writing
OBJECTIVITY – you show no bias in selecting, interpreting the research you have reviewed; you consider all aspects of a topic and not just those that support your thesis. skills: analysis, synthesis, interpretation, making comparisons, working with contradictions, organization, writing.
The 2 stages of a literature review
STEP 1: The research process
SELECT - focus the topic area • develop topic statement & thesis
SEARCH - find articles
SCAN - summarise • analyse • synthesize • find patterns
STEP 2: The writing process
WRITE - draft introduction • body • conclusion
CITE - keep track of references
REVISE - coherence, accuracy, clarity, grammar,