May 30, 2010
Research Paper
Cyber Bullying Within Teenagers
Bullying has changed in many different ways over time. Just how everything around us becomes more technical and easier to use, in some way so has bullying. Technology has changed bullying because it has only made it easier and more available to cyber bullies. Cyber bullying is a new trend that has evolved in the United States over the past few years. Cyber bullying is wrong and dangerous, it has caused various deaths and all types of negativity inside people’s lives. No one should practice bullying in the first place but thanks to the internet it occurs every second and it can happen to anyone. Cyber bullying has become very popular especially to teenagers. Although it happens to a younger group age and even to adults, cyber bullying is more popular within teenagers. With cyber bullying you don’t have to have a face to face confrontation as bullying normally would happen. With cyber bullying all you need is a computer or a cell phone. After teenagers have these devices all they have to do is contact the person they choose and then the bullying starts. Most of the reasons cyber bullying has become more and more popular is because you don’t have to show your identity, anyone can choose to harass, terrify and embarrass another person without telling them who they are. Teenagers choose to practice cyber bulling because they know they can get away with it and no one can find out. There are many methods of internet bullying. It changes from the simple mention of mean words to something more hazardous such as death threats. Internet bullies may use crude, offensive and improper language in an effort to affect the personal status and condition of their victims. Not only is cyber bullying wrong but it is very dangerous. Although cyber bullying is not face to face confrontation it often does lead to fights and arguments if the victim does ever find out who is harassing them. There are many
Cited: “Parents: Cyber Bullying Led to Teen’s Suicide” Online. Internet. Available: “Recognizing and Treating Victim and Aggressor” Online. Internet. Available: “Teens Indicted After Allegedly Taunting Girl Who Hanged herself” Online. Internet. Available: “Tens Tips to Prevent Cyber bullying” Online. Internet. Available: “Why do Kids Cyber Bully Each Other?” Online. Internet. Available: