Fall Semester 2014 , MWF, 9:10-10am, Heald G3
Instructor: Dr. Raymond M. Quock Office: Johnson Tower 317 Office Hours: Th and F, 3-5pm (or by appointment) Telephone: 335-5956 E-mail: quockr@wsu.edu
Teaching Assistant: Stevie Britch Office: Johnson Tower 201 Office Hours: M 12-2pm and T 1:30-3:30pm (or by appointment) E-mail: stevie.britch@email.wsu.edu Required Text: S.A. Maisto, M. Galizio and G.J. Connors, Drug Use and Abuse, 7th Ed. (Cengage Learning, 2015; hard copy or e-text)
biol 102 (general biology) biol 107 (introductory biology: cell biology and genetics)
biol 101 (biology of humans) biol 105 (general biology laboratory)
This course provides a basic introduction to the biopsychological effects of the major classes of abused and therapeutic drugs, including cocaine, amphetamine, alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, narcotics, marijuana, hallucinogens and psychotropic medications. There will be a strong neuroscience orientation in this course and recommended preparation includes Introductory Psychology (Psych 105 or equivalent) and some basic background in biological approaches to the study of behavior. The course will follow the textbook closely with supplemental materials assigned as needed.
This course will also experiment with the flipped classroom. Selected topics in the course will be learned at home so that class time can be spent reinforcing and learning the information. The homework will consist of assigned readings in the textbook and online references and occasionally accompanied by narrated mini-lectures and online videos. Each flipped class period will begin with a Check for Understanding (CFU) quiz followed by activities to reinforce the material.
Handouts for didactic lectures and