Brandequityas a relational
Received revisedform):22nd February,1995
Tim Ambler is Grand Metropolitan Senior Research Fellow at the London Business School, where his prime focus for research and teaching is the management of international brands. Before taking up his appointment he was Joint
Managing Director of lnternational Distillers and
Vintners Ltd. He is also a consultant to the
Grand Met, The Century Council in Los Angeles and smaller companies for strategy, marketing, training and education.
@Katie Vandyck
mari sed by Macrae.l In thi s con t ext , t he brand equity concept has re-emerged for three practitioner reasons:
Balancing short termism. Maximising immediate profits may be at the expense of the longer term (balancedorientation).
Evaluating brand performance (control).
Evaluating alternative courses of future action (prediction).
In parallel, there has been a shift in marketing thinking from short-term, transaction orientation2 towards long-term value building
Both brand equity and relationship marketingare through relationships.3In this portrayal, usupractitionerand academic atcontinuing to receiue ally known as relationship marketing,a the tention. Measuremcnt the holistk brand entity of brand is a partnerof the consumer with cornis necessary balancethe focus on short-term to patible values and personalities;sthey have 'a proftability as well as providing controlfor the marketing function and comparing alternatiue relarionship that is conceptually similar to that formed between rwo persons'.6The market is courses action. The needfor longer-termthinkof represented as a value-laden network.T ing has also driuen the perceptionof marketing as value enhancement through a network of relationThis paper brings togethei brand equiry ships. As brand equity has yet to be successfully and relationship marketing. These important purposes,pracreducedto money ualues these for but