Information Systems in Management
Semester Research Paper
Weighting 30% of total course mark
Due Dates
Research Paper:
(30%) Friday 17 October 2013
Plagiarism is not accepted. Included in the definition of plagiarism are:
deliberately copying the work of another student;
copying directly from any published work without using quotation marks;
failing to acknowledge sources used in submitted assignments with proper citation methods;
re-submitting an assignment used in one course as an original piece of work for another course.
Work that shows evidence of plagiarism will be penalised in accordance with the seriousness of the case. This may involve reductions in grades for minor infractions, a failing grade for more serious cases, and in extreme circumstances the disciplinary procedures of the institute may be invoked.
All assignments must be submitted via Turnitin. I will not accept, open or respond to emailed assignments, nor will I accept hardcopy hand ins.
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Assignment Synopsis
The objective is to provide the opportunity for you to do independent research in an area directly related to the course subject matter, to generate a high quality, critical report/article summarizing the results of your research.
List of Research Topics:
The following are suggested topic areas for your Research Paper – however your research topic is not limited to this list.
1. Use of social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc), its implications and impacts on organisations and business. Ethical issues, issues related to end user use of such technologies within the work place and so on.
2. The emergence of smart phone technologies. Strategic issues, the emergence of the technology and struggle for dominance, iPhone vs Android, GPS and related ethical issues. Any other related topic.
3. Read Nicholas Carr’s text “Does IT Matter” (in