Paramedic’s takes hard work and patience, people say it’s not easy becoming a paramedic you need the right education and you must acquire a specific skill. A paramedic makes a good amount of money enough to pay the bills and still have some money left over. Being a paramedic requires people’s lives to be in your hands at times and to be able to handle yourself under pressure.
This essay will consist of the requirements someone will need: Education, special skills. This passage will also talk about salary and general information about the job. Paramedics are dispatched by 911 calls. It takes four semesters or two years in college to begin the journey in being a paramedic. A can usually heal the patient at the spot without taking him to the hospital. A starting pay for a paramedic 14,000-18,000. Most of the time paramedics would be dispatched with a fire truck or police officer. They can also volunteer at hospitals and also you can complete an Emt course in 150 hours and paramedic training can go from 750-1500 hours (www.Icc.edu).
In the 1900’s the driver of the ambulance had no medical experience. To become a paramedic the acquirements are complete a training course then enter an EMT paramedic training which will take two years to complete and after that take the nr EMT exam which consist of both written and practical exam. When finished with that you must fill out ad submit an EMT application form to your local ems office. (www.collegegrad.com) Studies show by 2018 the need for paramedics will increase 9% and as of 2009 paramedics received a median salary of 38,523. Education of being a paramedic can be offered 5 days a week they need to obtain a license and after you complete the courses you can go be an advance EMT the course requires 60hours of education(www.baldwinambulance.com) . Emt work both indoors and out doors indoors when they