We would like to show our depth and greatest gratitude to these following lovable and kind-hearted people who helped us in making this project possible:
Our beloved parents, for supporting us financially and emotionally just to finish this project successfully.
Our respected and handsome English teacher named Jolah S. Barredo for his non-stop consideration, patience and understanding. We are deeply and truly indebted to him, especially for considering this project.
Our teachers named Ralph Lim, Neboy Navarez and Dinnes Salaga for giving us their honest comments during our final defense. We really appreciate their presence because without them, we would not be able to improve our research paper.
Last but not the least, is our loving and forgiving heavenly Father for giving us knowledge, wisdom and a lot of things we need to make for the completion of this research possible.
Most students nowadays prefer to do things in haste and in the easiest way, not thinking the consequences they could bring. During schooldays, students prefer to use sling bags instead of using backpacks. That is why they come to the point that they demand a locker, so they can secure their valuables at school. Through this, students would either gain or lose trust to others when leaving their things in their own lockers, not knowing what might happen when they are not around. On the other hand, they would also develop a sense of responsibility in maintaining the cleanliness and security of their own gadgets and school paraphernalia entrusted to them. Lockers are designed for the security of valuable things they often bring at school. Lockers in International Christian School of Davao [ICSD] are being criticized by both students and teachers not knowing that this facility could change someone’s perspective.
Statement of the Problem
The main purpose of this research is to help the students know the significance of a simple storage box they call as locker. This
Bibliography: Spinello, S. (2013).“The Advantages of Lockers in School”. Retrieved: November 24, 2013, from http://www.ehow.com/about_5052427_advantages-lockers-schools.html Phillips, C Reinhart, C. (2013) “Benefits of School Lockers”. Retrieved: November 24, 2013, from http://www.ehow.com/list_6658645_benefits-school-lockers.html Crisp, E Prontes, I. (2013). “Why do School need lockers?”. Retrieved: November 24, 2013, from http://www.ehow.com/about_4596823_why-do-schools-need-lockers.html Saraswat, K Yahoo Users.(2007). “Advantages and Disadvantages of Lockers”. Retrieved: November 23, 2013, from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061218054923AAlpcYh Patterson, A Moore, C. (2014). “Locker Searches”. Retrieved: February 11, 2014, from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/pros-cons-school-locker-searches-29171.html Kevins, K