
Research Paper On Atonement

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Research Paper On Atonement
Atonement is defined as relieving someone of their sins through the suffering of penalties. In theology, atonement is often linked to an event known as the death of Christ and to the reconciliation of the relationship between God and humanity. The atonement of Jesus Christ, the only Savior, is one of the most important topics to understand in theology and the most significant activity occurred in the Bible. Therefore, the church teaches that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins by His passion and death. This topic of atonement helps define and understand how Christ saved us from original sin and helped give an understanding of salvation. Christ’s death became a representation of how God’s relationship with his creations deepened through the forgiveness …show more content…
Jesus was chosen by God because Jesus is human and divine. He is “the savior who is powerful to save even what is powerless; and on both grounds….”. According to the scripture Romans 5:12, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so, death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned”. Everybody is born with sin and in debt to God. This debt cannot be paid by doing a good deed or acting good; death pays this debt. Jesus is God in the flesh and is the only one who could cleanse humankind of their sins by atoning for their sins. The purpose of being sent to earth was to spread the word and to atone for man’s sins due to Adam and Eve bringing sin into the world. Sin became an act that severed the connection between God and humanity. This ultimately led people to lose faith in God and become spiritually separated from him. As a result, God sent Jesus to Earth to atone for our sins. The reason why Jesus had to atone for our sins was so that people would be forgiven of their sins and to bring people’s love and faith towards God back. Atonement brought God’s relationship with humanity closer and humanity’s newfound love for God is “liberated by Jesus Christ from the impoverishment that our humanity brings to it, and he reveals to us in all its fullness the initiative of love and the plan for true life that God has prepared for us”. The Christ’s atonement is an essential element to theology because if it wasn’t for Jesus’ sacrifice, people would be lost into evil and would grow further apart from God. Forgiveness of everyone’s sins would not be

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