October 24, 2013
By: Michael Min
Lab Partners: Jay Hwang, Josh King, Jesse Jung
Lecture Professor: Dr. Norskov
Betta splendens, or Siamese fighting fish, have been previously used to study the affects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) on aggression levels. Specifically, the SSRI used in most studies is Fluoxetine, which can be found in the medication Prozac. Betta splendens are most readily used for a number or reasons; they are easily obtained, very cost efficient, and they display strong aggressive patterns that are easily observed. Examples …show more content…
The sides of the containers were covered to prevent interaction with the outside environment. A scale was placed underneath the container (with the zero marker lined up with the end of the container) so that we could measure the distance of the fish from the location of the mirror in centimeters. After the reflective side of the mirror was placed in front of one of the panels, we measured the fish’s reaction to its own image for five minutes, specifically; time of operculae flare, time spent in broadside display, number of ninety degree turns, and the average distance of the fish from the mirror (the measurement was taken every 5 seconds for the 5 minute duration and averaged).
Betta fish with Prozac treatment: Another Betta splendens were housed separately in 200ml containers, which contained 600 micrograms of dissolved fluoxetine HCL (Prozac). The fish was housed under these conditions for three hours prior to our data collection, and then was able to acclimate in our data collection tank for fifteen minutes-this data collection tank had the same covered sides and scale as mentioned before. After the allotted fifteen minutes, the same behaviors mentioned above were measured and