Befor God raised Deborah up as a judge in Israel, every judge that preceded her was a man – Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar. This is interesting because in those days, a woman's focus and role was solely directed toward maintaining the household and child rearing. In today's society and generation, that paradigm has shifted immensely. Woman are taught something totally different. Deborah was both a prophetess and a judge and she represents a woman of versatility. In Judges 4, Deborah is instructed by God to tell Barak, commander of Israel's army to go and fight the Canaanites. Barak hesitates and refuses to go unless Deborah accompanies him. She agrees and tells Barak that she would go, but that he would not receive the honor for victory over the Canaanites, a woman would. In today's society people tend to think that in order to have power, they have to be arrogant and aggressive. In actuality, you can be submitted and have power at the same time. Being meek is not a sign of being weak, it is a sign of power and
Befor God raised Deborah up as a judge in Israel, every judge that preceded her was a man – Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar. This is interesting because in those days, a woman's focus and role was solely directed toward maintaining the household and child rearing. In today's society and generation, that paradigm has shifted immensely. Woman are taught something totally different. Deborah was both a prophetess and a judge and she represents a woman of versatility. In Judges 4, Deborah is instructed by God to tell Barak, commander of Israel's army to go and fight the Canaanites. Barak hesitates and refuses to go unless Deborah accompanies him. She agrees and tells Barak that she would go, but that he would not receive the honor for victory over the Canaanites, a woman would. In today's society people tend to think that in order to have power, they have to be arrogant and aggressive. In actuality, you can be submitted and have power at the same time. Being meek is not a sign of being weak, it is a sign of power and