
Research Paper On Hamlet's Attitude Towards Life

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Throughout the course of one’s lifetime, an individual will come to a realization that “our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us”. Taken from a quote by John N. Mitchell, it aggravates questions as to whether Hamlet’s attitude towards life and the people whom surrounded him was a factor in the overall shaping and determining of his tragic downfall. A play written and directed by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is set within a world inclusive to revenge and hatred passion perceived from the perception of Hamlet. The audiences follows Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark and the son of a murdered King as he attempts to seek his most righteous position from the one who stole his identified crown whom is also the murderer of his …show more content…

This is established during an argument conflicting Ophelia in which he tells her she “should not have believed [him that he loved her]; for virtue cannot so inoculate [their] old stock but [they] shall relish of it: [he] loved [her] not.” Hamlet reveals that he never did feel affection for her; however, when he sees her lying lifeless in her coffin, he expresses that he “loved Ophelia [and even] forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up [his] sum. Despite that he had truly loved Ophelia, he was not able to overcome his fear and concern of being betrayed. This demonstrates the control and influence of his negative attitude which frequently affected his relationships among people. With the authority of this recently originated fear, even the sight of his old college friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, did not appear to have relieved him of his distress. Upon welcoming them to Elsinore, Hamlet instantaneously examines and studies their words and expressions to determine that they “were sent for; and [that] there [was] a kind of confession in [their] looks which [their] modesties have not craft enough to colour.” It becomes apparent that Hamlet is not able to recognize any positive possessions in his friends as he is continually suspicious of their intentions; therefore, he remains untrusting towards them. Even subsequent to their declaration of guilt of being sent for from the King and Queen, Hamlet finds it difficult to pardon their engagement and promise to observe his actions. As a result of his begrudge, he gradually pushes their friendship off to the side resulting in their eventual allegiance to the King. Hamlet’s alienation of his companions ultimately drove them to the alliance of his enemy which produced a damaging consequence in his overall approach for

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