He in his poem love 3 is giving a beautiful image of a meeting between God and a sinner. The sinner tells God that he is ashamed and he doesn't deserve God's forgiveness. God responds beautifully, and tells him that he has already bore the blame. This is to refer to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the lamb which was written repeatedly in the bible. One mention of it is in the gospel of (Peter 1:18-19), when Saint Peter tells us that we were salved not by corruptible things but with the flawless blood of Jesus Christ the lamb. Another mention of the idea of carrying the blame is in (Isaiah 53:4-9), when he foretold the coming and death of Jesus Christ and his carrying of our grieves, sorrows and transgressions (cla.calpoly.edu, …show more content…
The first one is when Herbert describes how God created man with blessings. This refers to the first book of Moses (Genesis 1: 29) and (2:8-10). In these verses we find a description of the blessings that God gave to man upon his creation. He gave man every herb and every tree for food. He also gave Man Rivers, tress and gardens. In the first two lines of the last stanza, the speaker (God) decides to grant Man everything except rest. Here lies the second reference to the first book of Moses (Genesis 3:16-19). God tells the woman that she shall bear her children with pain, her husband shall rule over her. He tells Adam that the ground is damned, that he will eat from it in labor through all days of his life, He shall work hard for his daily bread till his death. Herbert have used this concept to show the sinful nature of Man and the punishment of God to Adam and Eve for their disobedience .The third reference in the poem is when God in the fourth stanza tells man that restlessness shall bring him to God. This reminds the reader of (Mathew 11:28), when Jesus speaks to a crowd he says: "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." This is used to show us that only when we're restless and burdened -that is almost always- we do remember God. This is due to the fact that Man is aware of his weakness and his need of support. The wisdom of God lies in not giving Man all. If God