If you're like me, you like to spend your free time on the internet. Youtube videos, to learn something new, to update your status, play some games, and maybe to even post a thing or two on social media websites. You get on the internet with a variety of objects…smart phones, tablets, computers, smart
Tvs, game consoles, etc. The internet is EVERYWHERE with you, it’s literally all around you, and we depend on it on more ways than one.. even if its just to get your homework done. Imagine if you couldn't do or use these things as you pleased. All of the freedom in which you had, was now gone.
The debate for Net Neutrality is one of the most debated topics currently. What is Net Neutrality you may be asking? Well the official definition of Net Neutrality are applying wellestablished "common carrier" …show more content…
rules to the Internet.
There is a fight for the net to remain neutral and free. The fight so that we don't have to pay for certain websites and faster delivery time. Sure this may not affect the wealthy, however, the people with a lesser income this becomes a stunt stop to their creativity. The Internet is the exchange of information and the sharing of ideas, and if somebody has a great idea we wouldn't hear it with common carrier rules.
During my research I found that many people are all for Net Neutrality, including the president.
Many agree that the the internet should remain as open and as free as it has always been. So why are companies trying to enforce these rules? To make more money (A simple act of greed if you ask most people.), but they believe they put in the work to make these webpages and now they should get paid for them. Many of these companies include AT& T, Verizon, and Comcast. These are the internet giants.
September 10 is actual the “Internet slowdown”. The Internet Slowdown is the day where Major websites like reddit, mozilla, Meet up, Wordpress and Vimeo protest to show how the internet would be for a day if these laws were to be passed.
Will you be a bystander? Do you agree? Do you like your internet free? There are activist all
over the country for this, they rather act now before paying the price later (literally). I find that the decision can be up to us to make, if we just voice our opinions a little more. That is what the internets for right? The exchanging of ideas. So lets get our ideas out there ASAP!
"Big Tech Companies Plan."
Ars Technica
. Jon Brodkin, 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 08 Sept. 2014
“Big Tech Companies Plan."
Ars Technica
. Jon Brodkin, 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 08 Sept. 2014. .