In the series Pretty Little Liars four girls named Spencer, Aria,Emily,and Hannah go through supposeably losing their best friend named Allison Delirentres. As the series goes on you learn more and more about these individuals.
Pretty little liars is about four girls going through series to try to find out who “A” is. A is Cece Drake/ Charles, these two names are used because they are a transgender! what a plot twist, the four girls could never find out who it was because they would either see a girl or a guy.
Redcoat is a mixture of Allison and CC. They dress up as redcoat to cover up their faces,
but soon to realize that they are both trying to catch each other.
Pretty Little Liars is an all around exciting series! There are multiple reasons for you to watch this one of a kind show, there's no other show as thrilling as Pretty Little Liars.