After the wolves were reintroduced it began to restore the trophic cascade. The reduced browsing because of the altered behavior allowed increase in the recruitment of woody plants like Aspen (Populus tremuloides) and willow (Salix spp.) (Ripple and Beschta 2012). Without the elk decimating woody plants populations they were able to regenerate. This resulted in an increase in multiple species native to the park. These species included bison (Bison bison), beaver (Castor canadensis), and bears (Ursus arctos). The relative abundance and richness of 6/7 species of songbirds also increased because of the increased recruitment (Ripple and Beschta 2012). The wolves also have a positive effect on the age/sex structure. By concentrating on calves and older females they consistently eliminate the older sicker elk that are less suitable to survive. The wolves rarely prey on females in their reproductive prime or full grown males. The reintroduction has also had a positive effect on the bison population. The elk and bison share 80% of the same browsing food source. As elk are driven from their preferred browsing areas the bison are able to exploit the areas with the most nutritional…
Kermode bears, a certain type of black bear, are white because they have a special a recessive gene called MCR11. MCR1 is a recessive gene that causes the pigmation in the bears skin to turn white. Even though they are white they are not albino (Kermode.) MCR1 is caused by ultraviolet light (No, Name.) Even though the bears are white it doesn’t mean the parents have to be (Bec.) They just have to pick up the gene. Kermode bears are most commonly found on Princess Royal Island in south east Alaska. 1/3 of the bears there are white…
Most pet turtles, red eared sliders included, are mainly herbivorous in the wild and can survive on vegetables such as carrots, lettuce or cabbage or fruits such as berries. Some owners also introduce earthworms or live insects such as crickets, beetles or spiders. You can also buy commercial turtle food to ensure that your turtle is getting all of the nutrients it needs. Diet and frequency of feeding is also, in part, a function of your turtle's age. One thing you will notice is that the red eared slider's diet tends to change as they mature. Younger turtles are usually omnivores, eating a wide range of vegetation and insects. As they mature, they tend to be more herbivorous, sticking to fruits and vegetables.…
As stated earlier, the 2004-2005 survey conducted by the Wisconsin DNR showed that 52 percent of Wisconsin citizens do not support compensation for hounds, yet the money from these citizens is still used to provide compensation to the hunter. The same survey discovered that 81 percent of landowners that live near wolf packs would participate in a program in which they are given a monetary incentive to protect wolves, which would offset the risks they face and compensate them for any potential animal losses. This proves that wolves are not the problem; the problem is how the compensation is funded and handled. During the 2012 Wisconsin wolf hunting season, the compensation for dog depredations was provided through wolf application fees instead of taxpayer dollars. Managing the wolf population not only involves hunting, but also dealing with the consequences and side effects of having a wolf population in the state of Wisconsin. The money that was earned from wolf hunting application fees during 2012 was used directly to compensate hunters for wolves that caused them problems, which was a much more beneficial management…
Do you know how many gray wolves are left in North Dakota? There is no actual total because there are so few packs of gray wolves left. The gray wolf has resulted in a threatened species because predator-control is targeting them and destroying their habitat. Because they are supposedly killing too many livestock, predator-control is aiming towards gray wolves. The gray wolf is a threatened mammal in North Dakota. It is not commonly seen, but is usually mistaken for a coyote. They are being threatened all around North Dakota. Gray wolves appear in the state occasionally. As of 2013, it was arranged for the gray wolf to possibly be removed from the Endangered Species list. Currently, the population has rebounded since 1973 and is questionable…
A young deer has strayed away from her herd and is innocently grazing on grass. Ten yards away, a hungry wolf pack slowly stalks toward the fawn after trailing her for days. The deer senses what's happening and darts away, but it's too late, the fawn is as good as dead. The snowy terrain works to the wolf's’ advantage, with their huge paws acting like snowshoes. The wolves advance as their strongest member leads the chase. The pups watch from the sidelines as the deer quickly tires out. The head wolf quickly latches on to the fawn’s nose and brings her to the ground. The deer thrashes as more wolves come and attack her. Not long after, the fawn gives up her fight and the wolves feast.…
One of the threats is to the wolves food supply. Another threat is the building of roads and pipelines may clear parts of their natural habitat, displacing and destroying its prey.…
“Go back to California!”, is just one of the many things supporters of the Mexican Gray Wolf reintroduction program were hearing at a meeting about “predators” in Alpine this February. Over three hundred people were in attendance and only a handful of people were supporters of these dog sized predators. They sat quietly listening to everyone bash the most endangered mammal in North America (Corrigan). The Mexican Gray Wolf is about the size of a German Shepherd, four to five feet long and seventy to ninety pounds. Up until recently they only existed in zoos but with the Mexican Wolf Reintroduction project and the help of United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Arizona Game and Fish, White Mountain Apache Tribe, United States Department of Agriculture(USDA), animal and plant health inspection service, wildlife…
The timber wolf or gray wolf inhabits the forests of North America have many different fur color combinations. Some are pure white like the artic wolf, all black, tan, browns and combinations of them. Just like their coats vary in color so do their eye colors. Their eyes can be dark brown to a bright yellow and many different hue variations (pg. 8 Gray wolf Red Wolf). There are over 32 subspecies of just gray wolves. Wolves live all over and they have adapted or changed to fit to be able to live in their habitats (The Life Cycle of a Wolf pg. 7). German Shepard’s and Huskies look similar to the gray wolf. There are more differences than there are similarities (pg. 8 Gray wolf Red Wolf). One difference is the tails. A wolfs tail hangs low…
For these solutions it is possible to make both parties happy. By making a federal law against killing wolves, moving the wolves away from livestock somewhere farther but close to kaibab, and hiring hunters to kill kaibab so they don't require wolves to do it. These are all the solutions possible that the park could use to help these to…
Another reason they should not be reintroduced is they are not the natural grey wolves of the surrounding ecosystem. The wolves that were reintroduced were Canadian wolves. They are much larger and stronger then the American ones. Since they are bigger in the size it means they eat more and have an advantage over the prey. A perfect example is a case study that happened in 1960. Four Canadian wolves were introduced to Coronation Island for the purpose of reducing the over population of black-tail deer. Those wolves however were not managed and soon reproduced to thirteen and quickly depleted the deer population.…
I feel that in order to manage the stress of red wolves, they should have a decent balance between living in the wild and captivity. Stress is unavoidable but if the wolves kept in a good environment their population would not be so vulnerable to depletion by stress. Although captivity causes more stress it is beneficial to building up the population of an endangered species as it reintroduces them into a safe environment. This article will be helpful in understanding how to conserve the red wolf population from the experiment conducted in the…
Wolf reintroduction is only considered where large tracts of suitable wilderness still exist and where certain prey species are abundant enough to support a predetermined wolf population. The five last known wild Mexican grey wolves were captured in 1980 in accordance with an agreement between the United States and Mexico intended to save the critically endangered subspecies. Since then, a comprehensive captive breeding program has brought Mexican wolves back from the brink. Currently, there are 300 captive Mexican wolves taking part in the program. The ultimate goal for these wolves, however, is to reintroduce them to areas of their former range. In March 1998, this reintroduction campaign began with the releasing of three packs into the Apache-Sit greaves National Forest in Arizona. Today, there may be up to 50 wild Mexican wolves in Arizona and New Mexico. The final goal for Mexican wolf recovery is a wild, self-sustaining population of at least 100…
Although, recent efforts to recover them back in the wilderness have helped them to slowly bring back their numbers, there are still present and future threat to its survival. For example, the interbreeding between the coyote and the red wolf remained a constant threat to the recovery of the red wolves. For the red wolves to not perished, they need a pure breed red wolf to keep the restoration of the red wolves possible. With no pure breed red wolf it…
You ever wonder how the Grey wolf acts and dose to survive in the wild compared to the Grey wolf in captivity. The Grey wolf in captivity gets feed on a regular basis and has shelter made for them by humans. There is so much a Grey wolf in the wild has to do to survive by getting its own food to making its own shelter. Even the dangers they face in the wild such as other animals and harsh weather conditions. This is just what they have to do to survive.…