Do you ever wonder if you have Dyslexia? What about someone in your class, family or even a close friend or boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you think you can tell if you look at someone? Do you know someone who has dyslexia? I want you to think about the people sitting right next to you, your friends, family, coworker, your child or you neice or nephew or cousin. If you look at me do you think I have dyslexia?
Dyslexia has sigs, symptoms, causes and treatment of this common reading disability.
Dyslexia is most common learning disability in children. Its an impairment in your brain's ability to translate written images from your eyes into meaningful language. I know …show more content…
there might be someone else in this class besides myself. If there is someone that you are not afraid to talk about it.
My research included reading books, on-line searches and spoke with a few doctors about what is important for someone to know about dyslexia.
Some people may think there is not much to know about dyslexia. There is alot of information to think about and test to have done. I am sharing the most important things you should know if you have certain visual or written impairities with your every day life.
1. Dyslexia
At a Glance
Preparing for your appointment & what to do?
Information to have & what to expect from your doctor?
Now that you are aware of some main points and what to look for. What do you think somone looks like and can you physically tell they have dyslexia?
Internal Preview:
Did you even know you can pass it down to your kids and to your childrens children? IThere are so many options out their to help and over come the obisticals. You would never know I have it unless I don't corrent my papers and I type similar words.
Now that you heard what dyslexia is. There is no reason to think everyone has it. You will probably never know if a person or family member has it. Its so hard for things to change over night. I was diagnosed at age 4 and I was in with teachers and professionals to help me over come this learnign didability. If you knwo someone that you think has it dont just come out with I know what you have. It seems like a plague we have. It took many years to over come certain things and I still find myself correcting myself and thats why I dont like to speak in front of a class.
I hope you enjoyed my speech and if you have any questions please ask me.
Thank You for your time, patients and understanding.