Students handout
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? Einstein
I- APA Research Paper Format
Although some research papers would take on different layouts depending on the nature of the research or class and/or advisors’ requirements; an APA style would be genuinely the most preferred and common format for scientific papers. An APA research paper or report should include the following sections:
The Title Page should include title of the paper, running head and page, name(s) of the author(s), name of the course and instructor), date of final approval/submission (month and year), and name of school. Careful thought should be given to selection of an appropriate title, and it must include no more than fifty characters.
This is where you acknowledge/thank whoever helped you and/or contributed to the completion of your project.
ABSTRACT (if required)
The Abstract or executive summary should clearly state the project objectives and rationale, provide a brief summary of the procedure employed, and describe the final results produced from the project. The Abstract should be written as a completely self-contained section (i.e., it should provide sufficient information to a reader who may read no other portion of the project).
Sample title Page
A Table of Contents is useful for directing readers to the location of specific information they see. It also allows them to obtain a quick overview of the contents of the entire project. All titles and subtitles in the Table of Contents must be exactly the same as in the text, and all divisions/subdivisions used in the text must be present in the Table of Contents. The typing format for each level of division must be consistent from chapter to chapter.
References: II- Designing your research instruments: The case of the questionnaire Questionnaires are often used to gather subjects’ self-reported attitudes and personal accounts (Larsen-Freeman and Long, 1991)