September 11, 2011
Shelley Johnson-Gildwarg
Steps to writing a grant proposal
When writing a grant proposal there are many of different areas that need to be covered in the proposal. The proposal needs to have 11 different sections. These sections are:
1. Abstract—45 lines max.
2. Table of Contents—2 pages max.
3. Specific Aims (Needs/Problems, Working Hypothesis, Objectives, Interventions, etc.)—3 pages max.
4. Target Populations—2 pages max.
5. Approaches and Methods (Project Goals and Objectives, Activities, Time Line, etc.)—6 pages max.
6. Evaluation Plan—3 pages max.
7. Agency Capacity and Project Management—3 pages max.
9. Budget and Budget Justification—3 pages max.
10. Community Support—no page limits.
11. References and Appendices—no page limits.
The abstract is the summary of the proposal. This needs to be written in signal spaced lines and limited to 45 lines. The abstract is the shortest section of the proposal, however it is the most important and most read section of the proposal. The abstract typically includes: the Name of agency, Type of organization, Purpose and objectives of the project, Specific interventions for the project, Target population: demographic, age, race, gender, SES, special needs, etc., Location(s) and setting(s) of project, Relevance of the proposed project to the funding intentions.
The Table of contents provides the readers with a roadmap to the proposal. This will assist the reader to find the information they are looking for. This is one of the first sections to develop and the last to complete.
The Specific Aims section is also referred to as the needs and problem statement, the background and significance, or the literature review. This is where the writer of the applicant agency would present their case. What the agency is doing, why they are doing what they are proposing to do. This is also where they would show their proposed interventions.
References: Netting, F. E., Kettner, P. M., & McMurtry, S. L. (1993). Social work macro practice. New York: Longman.