Erin Steele, Domonika Grant, Ebone Abrams, Lauren Sippert
Social Work 322-01
Professor Borst
Just the prospect of working in a group can create notorious apprehension. There is usually the classic situation where members argue over the division of work to ultimately have only one member complete the majority of the project. This is why it was really helpful to take the teamwork skills quizzes in order to be proactive about possible conflict. Our group was pleasantly surprised to find out through discussion around these quizzes that we all have strengths and weaknesses that complement one another. For example, if one of us is exceptional at sharing ideas, others mentioned that they usually enjoy hearing someone else’s ideas. We therefore do not anticipate any real, project altering, conflict to arise. Rather, our conflict may derive from our topic. Presenting on Breast Cancer can prove to be difficult because it has affected so many people; there is ample information about it, a month dedicated to it, and extensive advocacy to find a cure.
As a team we discussed multiple ways that we could approach this problem. We each discussed possibly researching different topics on breast cancer such as the stages of breast cancer, the states most affected by breast cancer, and resources here in Grand Rapids that help service the breast cancer population. We also discussed possibly researching the effects it has on women from different subsets of the American population such as mortality rates of African American and Caucasian American women and the reasons it may take one subset longer to seek medical intervention. Lastly, we discussed why breast cancer has become such a wonderful forerunner for cancer information getting to the general public which this topic along could prove to be a project within itself . However, many of these topics would turn out to be highly time consuming. Therefore, we each