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Executive Summary 2 Problem statement 2 Research objectives 3 Literature Review 3 Benefits of the study 4 Methodology 4 Data collection 5 Data Management 5 Data Analysis 5 Work Plan 6 Budget 7 Limitations of the project 7 Appendix 8
Executive Summary:
Corporate governance means a framework which ensures the satisfaction or trade off of every stakeholder group – shareholders, employees, community, customers, government, suppliers etc. The aforementioned stakeholders have different goals while they engage with a corporation. Corporate Governance ensures that there is congruence of goals – the organization’s goal is set considering the individual goal of every stakeholder. The goal congruence leads the corporation to tradeoff among all stakeholder groups. By a good corporate governance framework, an organization is administered and operated in a transparent, accountable and responsible way. Thus, it helps the stakeholders to protect their interest in a corporation and exercise their every right which they deserve.
But this concept does not have a long history in the corporate world of Bangladesh. This concept is in a pre-matured stage in our corporate world. So, various regulatory institutions like SEC, DSE, Bangladesh Bank and one private institution BEI are working to formulate suitable codes of corporate governance. On 20th February, 2006 the Securities and Exchange Commission introduced some conditions on Board of Directors, Chief financial officer, Head of internal Audit, Audit committee, External/ Statutory Auditors, Reporting the compliance in the director’s
Bibliography: 1. Chowdhury, Dhiman (2004), Incentives, Control and Development-Governance in private and public sector with special reference to Bangladesh, 1st edition, Nilima printers. 2. Ahmad, J.U (2004), “Draft code of corporate governance-Bangladesh”, Quartely journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh, October-December. 4. Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI-2003), A comparative analysis of corporate governance in South Asia: Charting a Roadmap for Bangladesh.