Research Proposal
Name: Sneha singh
Course: Masters in Communication and Journalism (Semester IV)
Supervisor: Sneha Subhedar
Research Topic: How media bias on political news
Research Question: Has Media bias on political news? How has media change the pattern of news towards information during loksabha election campaign 2014 ?
To study how media biasedon political news ?
Experimentation of media news and the new technologythat hasbeen used by media .
Discussing the politics of Illusion
Gate keeping:who and What Make News
News as a Democratic information system politician ,press and the people. ?
How the journalis report the news ?
News Content :Four information Biases that matter ?
How the sources of political news use by media organization?
And how the story cover by the media during loksabha election campaign 2014 ?
Hypothesis: Is media bias coverage effect the perception of viewers and readers during loksabha political compaign 2014 ?
The mass media are diversified media technology which is covered large audience by mass communication. Today the media are play important role in society.And society also depends on mass media for different purpose on Broadcast media television,Radio,film,music, transmits their information ,entertainment, program through the electronically . In other-hand print news paper ,book ,pamphlet or comic book are printed and distributed among the people .Today the internet media play very impotent role and provide mass media services such as email, website ,blog , and internet based radio and television
Newspaper, Magzine ,Book, pamphalet ,comic etc
Internet. The technologies through which this communication takes place varies. Broadcast media such as radio, recorded music, film andtelevision transmit their information electronically. Print media use a physical object such as a newspaper, book, pamphlet orcomics,